Chapter 34 (final)

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    I wake up to the sound of humming. I pull the blanket on top of me closer to my face to try and fall asleep again.

"Winky, you up?" I hear a familiar voice ask me. I groan and throw the  blanket over my face. Wait, when did I get a blanket? Didn't I fall asleep without one? The confusion is enough for me to open my eyes and realize that this isn't my floor. It's Bucky's!

     I shot up and look around. I'm on the couch, Bucky is in the kitchen. The brunette notices me suddenly up and gives me a smile.

"Morning sleepy head" he greets while holding a bowl of cereal.

"Hey..." I reply, sounding distant, "did...did I sleep here?"

"Yeah, you did" Bucky answers, "you were sacked right out once we got back so I just let you sleep"

"Oh...what time is it?" The former assassin pauses so he can swallow his cereal.

"10:30, but don't worry. Coulson swooped in and gave us all a day off. Thank God" he answers. I look at myself all over, noticing I'm still wearing my old combat suit. I'll have to ask Tony to make me another one.

"You want some cereal? I wanted  to make pancakes but I forgot to go grocery shopping" Bucky offers.

"It's ok, I'll eat something on my floor" I decline, getting up to walk out.

"Alright. Maybe we can hit the gym later?" He asks. I stop walking to the elevator and look at him.

"I'm really sorry, Buck. But I'm really tired; I think I'm just going to take a nap" I answer.

"Uh, yeah yeah, that's fine. You're exhausted, I get it" he replies. I give him a tired smile and a curt nod before leaving the former assassin's floor.

                   •     •     •     •

      I splash water cold onto my face to try and wake myself up. I make a relived sigh as I stare at the bathroom sink. Ever since last night, I felt weird, like I don't have a personality at the moment. I still feel, but it's like it takes a moment for it to come. I look up from the sink and stare at my reflection.

"We meet again" I say, acknowledging Nightmare behind me. It still wears the mask with the painted smile on it, and the all black clothing.

"I was always here" it responds, "I'm never leaving"

"Good" I reply. Nightmare looks taken aback. It wasn't expecting that.

"I need you" I continue, "without you, there is no Periwinkle. Or without Delilah" I turn around and face Nightmare, "You two make me. Before Alaska you were balanced, working together in harmony. Without either you or Delilah, I'm unstable, broken"

"You're always that way" Nightmare responds, her voice dangerously low, "You can't repress me forever, it won't work this time"

"I can repress you actually, but I won't. I need you, just as much as you need me"

"You can't bounce back from this, little girl" I make a small smile as I look at Nightmare in the eyes. I'm not scared anymore.

"I can already feel you and Delilah stitching back together; it may take some time, but I've been through worse" I turn away and grab a towel to dry my still wet face. I dab it on my face, then look back at the wall Nightmare was leaning on. I turn around only to find that I'm alone in the bathroom once again.

      I change into jeans and a dark red Guns and Roses graphic tee and walk out of the bathroom. I head down the hall to kitchen/living room; as I walk in I catch a flash of purple in the corner of my eye. I turn to the entrance of the balcony and see something that's bright purple flying near my floor. I tilt my head in curiosity and investigate.
     I open the glass doors to the balcony and walk out, feeling the fresh autumn air fill my lungs. I look up and see someone wearing a white mask, their large purple wings flapping in the air. Heartbeat.
     I wave at her as she hovers near by, looking straight at me with emerald green eyes. She comes closer until she's hovering right above me.

"Don't think the mask is going to do much good since I've already seen your face" I say.

"I'd rather keep it on, thanks" She replies. I'm taken aback by how young her voice sounds. She sounds like she's just a kid.

"If you want to, guess that's ok" there's a short pause, only the light flapping of Heartbeat's wings keeping us from total silence.

"You doing alright?" I ask her. The winged girl pauses before answering, like she was debating weather or not she should answer honestly or not.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She answers with a question.

"Cause, you're a superhero. It's not an easy job, especially for someone as young as you" I answer.

"Speak for yourself" she replies. I almost snort out a laugh.

"One thing you should know about being a superhero, Heartbeat, is that you should never judge a book by its cover" the winged girl hovers closer and lands on the balcony in front of me with grace only she can achieve. Heartbeat stares at me as she searches for the words to use to make what happen to me seem better.

"I'm...I'm sorry that I–" Heartbeat starts but I cut her off almost immediately.

"There was nothing you could do, it wasn't your fault" I tell her. I look into her emerald eyes and see guilt and remorse.

"...It was my fault. I wasn't fast enough, Periwinkle." Heartbeat contradicts, slowly reaching up behind her head to slide the strap of her mask off the back of her neck, peeling the blank white mask from her face. "I know that." She sighs, eyes closed as she keeps her head down. "...But you made it. So you can forgive me, that's fine. I'll even forgive myself." She looks up, brilliantly emerald green eyes focusing sharply on me. "...But I'll never let myself forget it. Sound good?" I give her a small smile and a nod in return.

"You wanna come inside? It's getting a little chilly out" I offer just before a gust of autumn wind bites my skin. Heartbeat looks around observing the weather before nodding her head contently.

"Yeah, ok"

Well this is it. You're done, have a cookie as a thank you for reading this🍪

     Don't think this is the end for Winky, you're gonna see a lot more of her in the near future. I might post a oneshot or two of Winky and the Avenger's many adventures, so don't worry ma dudes!

    I just want to thank my best friend spyrofury767 for helping me with this, she's an AMAZING writer and an incredible artist, so please if you want you can check out her account. I love you all❤️

P.S. I'm gonna post a bonus oneshot on here about Winky recovering tomorrow.

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