Chapter 7

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"You lost her?!" Tony exclaims, the first thing he said since I told him about Winky.

"W–we thought that she would be to weak to get away but–" the nurse tries to explain.

"You lost a flying, purple mutant the second the Avengers get her!" Fury yells at him.

"I–I'm sorry sir–" he stutters.

"There's no good in apologizing now. Get out of here!" The director dismisses.

     The nurse nods and quickly walks away. Fury puts both hands on the table in front of him, leaning on them. He sighs in frustration and mutters something along the lines of "I'm gonna call Coulson" and walks out of the room. I run a hand down my face and lean back on my chair.

"What do we do now?" Wanda asks. There's a pause before I answer.

"I don't know" I finally say.

"You always have something, Steve" Bucky says.

"Sorry I don't have all the answers" I snap. He gives me a hurt look, but before he can respond, Tony speaks up.

"Well I know what I'm going to do" he says. We all look at him waiting for the answer.

"Plan Winky's funeral" then the billionaire storms out of the room.

                    •      •      •     •

      I toss and turn in my bed as I try to somehow fall asleep, but nothing's worked so far. I turn my head and look at the time: 2:32 AM. I sigh in frustration, finally giving up. Pathetic, I can't even rely on sleep to help me escape the day. I had a lot of bad days, but this by far was the worst. The only day that could have been equally worse was when I saw Bucky fall off that train.
      I click my tongue and throw the dark blue duvet off my body and head to the kitchen. I pad down the short hallway, enter the kitchen and stop at a cabinet to get a glass cup. I turn in the tap and fill it with water, not caring about the temperature. Hot or cold, it doesn't matter anymore.
     I chug the water, realizing I'm more thirsty then I thought, then place the cup on the counter. I stare at the cup, getting lost in thought. I start wondering what Tony is doing. I don't really know why, maybe it's because of how close he and Winky are–were...I'm trying to imagine how he would be able to cope with this.

"FRIDAY" I say aloud to the AI.

"Yes, Captain Rogers?" FRIDAY asks, her robotic voice echoing through my floor.

"What's Tony doing?" I ask. FRIDAY pauses, making me raise an eyebrow.

"He is currently in his lab" she answers. I nod my head, knowing exactly what he's doing. It didn't take me long to realize that when Tony feels sad, he tries to forget about it in his lab. Only this time, he's probably brought whisky with him.
     I walk to the elevator and push a button. I step into the large metal box once the doors slide open, and watch them close again. I stand and wait, hearing the same old low hum of the elevator. A minute later, I hear a "ding", and watch the doors slide open again, revealing Tony's messy lab. Equipment and projects are everywhere, blue prints and messy drawings scatter around the lab. I spot the brunette sitting in a chair fiddling with a part, wires sticking out at all ends. I turn my gaze to the bottle of half empty whiskey bottle on the table in front of him.

"Staring is rude, you know?" Tony says, "tell me why you're here or get out" he's drunk, no doubt about that. I walk over to the billionaire carefully, not sure what to expect. I walk up to his chair and stand beside him with my arms crossed.

"Where did you find the whisky?" I ask.

"Why do you want to know, Captain?" Tony answers with a question. I feel the edge of my mouth barely twitch, more ironically then playfully.

"This is how you're coping?" I ask him. Tony lifts his head up, slightly swaying back and forth as he looks at me with a very annoyed face.

"Yes, Mother" he says, venom lacing his voice, "this is how I'm coping. If you got a problem with that, why don't you go to the gym and punch some punching bags into oblivion" I shook my head and sigh.

"Mind if I sit?" He only nods in response. I pull a chair under me and take one of the whisky glasses from the table. I fill it up with whisky, and drink with Tony. A moment passes before I talk to him.

"Remember when Winky first found you drunk in your lab?" I ask him after a pause. Tony gives me a strange look before answering.

"Yeah" is all he says.

"Remember how she scolded you after? That was probably the first time I ever heard her talk that much since we found her" I continue. Tony makes a very small chuckle, I'd hardly even consider it one.

"Is this some sad way to get me to stop?" He asks.

"Tony, I'm literally having a drink with you right now. This just reminded me of it" I answer.

"Everything does now..." he trails off.

"...remember Winky's first mission?" It's Tony's turn to ask me.

"Which one, the one where she kept watch, or her first time fighting with us?" I reply.

"The one where she kept watch. Remember when she was so serious about it?" We both make a small chuckle, and take a sip of whisky.

"Winky was so proud of herself for taking down those three thugs, she wouldn't stop talking about it" I add. That was probably the first time I saw her smile that big. Her smile made that broken girl in the lab look like an old story from a forgotten past. Every time she smiled that big, we couldn't help but smile back.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do with out her" Tony says in a quiet and sorrowful voice.

"Yeah...Me neither" I reply, "It feels like it's..." I trail off.

"Like it's not even real" the brunette finishes. I only nod in response. There's a pause before I look at the time: 2:50 AM. It's getting late.

"Alright, that's enough for you" I say as I lean over to grab the whisky bottle. For some reason, Tony doesn't complain or protest. He usually attempts to take the bottle away from me, but this time, he's just sitting there with a sad look in his eyes.

"You should head to bed" I tell him.

"I'll go in just a second" he answers in a quiet voice. I'm tempted to ask FRIDAY to let me know when Tony goes to bed, but I decided to trust him this time.

"Ok" I say while nodding. I walk towards the elevator and push the button with the arrow facing up. It lights up and the metal door slide open right away. I step in and turn to face the messy lab again. I watch Tony sit on his chair looking his phone. Once the doors slide close again, I realize that he's looking at pictures of him and Winky through his phone.

Oh my gosh what have I done? When I wrote this I had to take a break this is just sO sAD! Vote and comment letting me know what you think!

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