Chapter 2

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           The next day, we are all at SHIELD in a meeting room. Clint, Steve, Vision, Sam, Bucky, Tony, Natasha, Wanda, and I. I look at Vision sitting beside me, who walked Wanda back to her room last night, and I smirk at him again. He looks at me weirdly again, not understanding why I'm looking at him like that. I lean to him and whisper, "well?"

"'Well' what?" He asks rather loud. I face palm and shake my head.

"Never mind" I grumble.

"Good morning everyone" says a voice from behind.

      Coulson walks in with two files in one hand, and a coffee in the other. He wears the same suit like always, I wonder if he has a separate closet full of suits. Maybe that's all he wears, even in bed. I should give him a onesie with a suit printed on it, that would be hilar–

"Periwinkle, are you listening?" Coulson snaps me out of it.

"Sorry, uh, yeah. Keep going" I say. He looks at me, then gets back to the topic.

"This is Sarah Brüsta, and Curt Melborn" once he says that, two faces pop up on screen. One was of a women with thin brown hair and bags under her eyes. She looks rather boring and uninteresting. The second is a man with dirty blond hair that almost goes down to his shoulders with a matching stubble, making him look kinda attractive.

"They were caught and arrested in a remote area in the mountains of Pakistan. They owned one of many illegal weapons labs, and we finally got the location of their largest" a picture shows a map of snowy mountains. I hate cold missions, my body doesn't do well in the cold. I'm better at missions in hot terrains like the desert or the jungle.

"You will be flying to Alaska soon after this, and taking out the weapons lab" Coulson continues.

      We plan our mission carefully, like we always do. Even though Heartbeat, our mystery hero, may save us from the mission going wrong, we still plan for that too. You're not a good Avenger if you rely on a someone who you don't even know to just swoop in and save your life.
      After we planned our mission, we get ready to pack. I go to my floor and quickly pack the essentials: clothes, toiletries, my mask, my combat suit, a knife just incase something goes wrong and I can't use my powers. You know, the usual.

                      •     •     •     •

     I sit in the Quinjet, staring at my reflection in the little window. I end up spacing out, letting my mind wander until turbulence snaps me back to reality. I've gotten use to riding in the Quinjet, doesn't mean I like it though.  I grumble annoyingly about Clint's flying "skills", then return my focuse on the window. We've been flying for a while now, apparently long enough that we're already half way there. Did I space out for that long?

"Everybody ready?" Steve asks, holding his iconic shield.

"Iron booty reporting for duty" Tony responds. Steve holds his face in one hand shaking his head while I laugh hysterically at his joke. Bucky, who's leaning against the wall beside me, is even chuckling a bit.

"That is gold!" I manage to say between my laughing.

"Really, Tony? Be professional, please" Steve says, obviously annoyed by the billionaire's pun.

"C'mon, lighten up Capsicle" Tony replies.

"This is a mission, not a party" he retorts.

    As the two argue, I lean near Bucky and whisper, "they argue like an old married couple" Bucky bursts into laughter, and I join him as well. Steve and Tony give us a questioning look, but I doubt they really want to know.

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