Chapter 33

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I've been on the Helicarrier a handful of times. I didn't like it at first, it felt weird being on such a large flying thing, but I got used to it. I remember the first time I was on one of these things, it was amazing. I was a little scared at first, it was a big step from the Quinjet, but Tony told me that he helped make them, so I shouldn't be afraid of a thing. Even Steve agreed with him. Tony was as shocked as I was.
A nurse checks me over, but my only wound is a bit of bruising around my neck from where the golden man tried to choke me with a rusty metal poll. I sit on bench in the medical wing with a blanket resting on my shoulders, waiting for any news about Steve. The nurse gives me a smile and asks if I need anything. I shake my head no and she nods before walking away.
I stare at nothing, waiting for Bucky. He went off with another nurse somewhere around here, but the chaos of the doctors and nurses rushing to Steve's aid made me loose visual of him. As the adrenalin wares off, so does my energy, and I feel a wave of exhaustion come over me. How long has it been since I got a decent amount of sleep?

"Winky!" I look up from the floor and see a tall, dark haired brunette with a goatee. Tony rushes towards me as I stand up from my seat on the bench. The billionaire wraps his arms around me, and I already start to feel better.

"I was so worried" he tells me even though his voice is slightly muffled from the blanket drapped onto my shoulders, I can still hear it wavering.

"I'm sorry I worried you" I apologize, feeling hot tears well up in my periwinkle blue eyes. We pull out of our hug, and I look at Tony's relived smile as he sighs and relaxes his shoulders.

"It's alright, I'm just glad you're ok" he replies.

"But Steve–"

"That wasn't your fault" Tony cups my face in his hand and wipes a tear that escaped my eye with his thumb, "You did good today"

I want to agree with him, but it all depends if Steve survives or not.

"Excuse me?" A voice behind me questions. I turn around and see a blonde nurse with rather flustered look on her face.

"Are you Mr. Stark and Agent Lomen?" She asks.

"That's us" Tony answers.

"Captain Rogers is out of surgery. You can see him now" the blonde nurse gestures us to follow her.

The nurse leads us into a separate room where Steve lays in a hospital bed, pale and bruised, but better than before. Tony lets me take the chair beside the bed while he leans on the wall behind me. Steve has a bunch of blankets on him, but I felt like he still needed more. He was, after all, in the Alaskan mountains, bare foot and only wearing sweats. So I take the blanket that's basically useless for me at this point since I'm not cold, and drape it over the captain.

"Strange..." I mutter to myself.

"What?" Tony asks from behind me.

"At the abandoned weapons lab, Steve called me Peggy" I explain, "I guess it's because of hypothermia, you start to see things when you get that cold. Steve showed me a few pictures of Peggy...I could sorta feel what he felt for her. I guess Steve and I aren't that different, you know? Every time I see or hear any mention of my parents I...can't help but feel a dull pain in my chest. It used to hurt a lot more, I thought it would go away–I usually think it does. But it actually never really does" I hear Tony walk up and place a hand on my shoulder. I hold onto it, like its the last thing I have left.

"I understand how you feel" he responds, "remember Winky, I'm always there for you. No matter what, ok?" I look over at him and give him a sad and tired smile.

"I know. You have to remember too, Tony, I'm here for you too. So are the rest of the Avengers. Ok?" I reply. Tony glances at the floor, almost doubtful, but looks back up at me and smiles before nodding his head.

• • • •

Winky and I enter my floor, exhausted from our day. I throw my boots off, Winky doing the same. I walk over to the kitchen, while the dirty blonde heads to the couch to sit down.

"When Steve gets out of the hospital, he's going to act like he doesn't need any help" I explain to the tired girl, "so we gotta be stubborn back. If Steve says he can make his own sandwich, pull one out of thin air and give it to him" Winky responds with a small chuckle.

"You need anything to drink?" I ask while opening the fridge to get a water. I haven't realized how thirsty I was, and hungry. When was the last time I ate? When was the last time Winky ate?

"No thanks" she answered simply.

"Anything to eat? I'm starving. You want me to order a pizza?"


I look for my phone and find it on the counter near the toaster. I pick it up and start to dial the first few digits.

"Hey, what do you want on it?" I ask the dirty blonde again, but this time I get no answer.

I turn to look at the couch and find Winky sound asleep on it. I turn off my phone and place it on the counter before walking up to her, a small smile forming on my face. I grab a blanket sitting on the arm chair near by and drape it over Winky. She makes a sigh of comfort and seems to relax a little more. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps, like all the worries and troubles of today never even existed. I crouch down beside Winky so that I'm face to face with her. I lean in and kiss her softly on the cheek, then lightly stroke a strand of dirty blonde hair away from her face.
I get up and decide to get a pizza with Sam Natasha. I walk to the door and get my shoes on as quietly as possible. I leave my floor and enter the elevator, taking a sigh of relief that I didn't wake her up. This is probably the first time she had a decent sleep in a long time. She probably had terrible dreams or her body just refused to sleep. That reminds me...

"Hey FRIDAY" I call the AI

"Yes, Sergeant Barnes?" She asks.

"Can you let me know when Winky wakes up, and when she's having nigh–" I cut myself short. "Nightmares" might not be the word I should use for a while. I clear my throat and continue.

"When she's having bad dreams?"

"Of course" the AI replies.


Nope! I'm not dead! Just lazy and writers block, y'all now how it is.

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