Thats what families do (oneshot)

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This is a cute little oneshot I wrote a little before Nightmare ended and thought it'd be cool to post it. I also said I would post two weeks ago hehehe...why am I like this? Anyways enjoy!

      Tony heard screaming. Not just any screaming, That was Winky screaming. It sounded like she was being murdered. The brunette jumped out of bed and ran to the elevator, pressing the button multiple times like it would make the doors slide open quicker. Once they finally did open, Tony stepped inside and pressed the down button.

"FRIDAY, what's happening on Winky's floor?" He asked, running a hand through his messy dark brown hair.

"Periwinkle is showing signs of distress, but she's the only occupant on her floor" the AI answers.

"Not good" muttered the billionaire. The one time he decided to hit the hay early (1:30 am is early for him, alright?) his practically-sister is screaming in her room.

       It had been just over a week since the whole "Nightmare" incident. Things were almost back to normal: Steve was gonna go on his first mission since the incident this weekend. He had hypothermia and was shot in the abdomen, hitting internal organs as well. But he heals quickly, which was good–great in fact. Thank God for the serum.
    Winky, on the other hand, wasn't recovering so quickly. It's easy for physical wounds to heal, but psychological wounds go much deeper, and are much harder to heal. Since the incident she was having horrible night–...bad dreams. It was keeping her from sleeping, which was something she desperately needed.
     The elevator doors slid open and Tony rushed out, following the blood curdling scream coming from Winky's bedroom. Tony bursted through the door and ran to the girl's bedside. Winky was curled up in a trembling ball, her legs tangled in the bed sheets. Her breathing was quick, sweat making loose strands of dirty blonde hair stick to her forehead. Her eyebrows contorted and her eyes darted back and forth behind her eyelids.

"Winky! Winky, hey!" Tony said, shaking her to try and stir the short girl awake. Winky shot up screaming and taking heavy quick breaths. Her periwinkle blue eyes darted across the room until they landed on a dark haired brunette with a goatee wearing sweats.

"T-Tony?" The girl stuttered, eyes wide.

"Yeah, it's me. Don't worry, I'm here" Tony assured her. He saw tears welling up in Winky's eyes, and he pulled her in for a hug. He said calming words to her while he let out a mental sigh of relief.

"I-I'm s–s–sorry" Winky sobbed into his shoulder. The brunette knew she didn't usually let herself be this vulnerable, but this was Tony Stark. This man was like a brother to her, which was why she felt safer crying around him than most. Once the dirty blonde finally started calming down, they pulled out of their hug.

"You going to be ok tonight?" Tony asked. Winky didn't know how to answer that. She didn't know that if  she fell asleep again she would continue being tormented by golden people, or a flashback from when she was Nightmare. She was scared and exhausted and done with everything and she just wanted to slip into a coma for a couple days. Take a break from the world, cause it was being a bitch to her.

"What time is it?" Winky asked instead of answering Tony's question.

"Almost 3:00" he answered. The dirty blonde remembered going to bed at 9:00 to try and get a decent amount of sleep, but she didn't fall asleep until 1:35 am. Less than an hour and a half of sleep. Better than nothing.

"Can you stay? Just until I fall asleep?" Winky asked, her voice making her already small self look even smaller. Tony gave the girl a smile, and nodded his head. The brunette laid down beside her, and didn't leave until he heard the steady breathing and slight snoring of an Avenger.

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