Chapter 15

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I walk up to the large spaceship parked in the middle of a desolate forest. At least the Sovereign are smart about that, otherwise we would have a problem. Two guards stand on each side of the entrance, nervously glancing at me as I walk up the ramp leading inside. I stop in between the two guards, looking at one and then the other. I still have my mask on, so I'm scarier than I actually look. I continue walking, hearing the guards breathe a sigh of relief. I think I should feel powerful, after all, those were probably the same guards that took me to get injected. But I feel nothing, nothing at all.
I walk down the narrow hall and stop at an open door. I walk into an all golden room with a fancy looking seat placed in the middle of the room. Ayesha sits in it like she's the queen of the world, her chin held high in confidence.

"I was informed of what you did. Genius!" She praises, "the way you manipulated those puny humans with your eyes, Amazing" I tilt my head at her words.

"You once told me that you were almost hypnotized by my eyes, so I thought I'd use it to my advantage" I reply, my voice sounding hollow and monotone. The golden women nods in interest.

"You are really something, Periwinkle" she says. I raise an eyebrow at her. Periwinkle? Sounds so dumb.

"Periwinkle died on that mountain. I'm Nightmare or nobody" I respond, venom lacing my voice. Even when I'm angry, my voice still sounds emotionless. That's all I feel now, anger.

Ayesha's expression changes dramatically. She gives me a "how dare you look?" And I hold back the urge to roll my eyes. Oh, how dare I? I'm done with this bitch. I turn on my black leather combat boot heal to leave. I head to the door, but Ayesha stops me.

"You must be careful what you say. It will come back and bite you" she calls to me. I turn my head to look over my shoulder, my periwinkle blue eyes staring right into her golden ones. Not yet, she's your ticket out of here. That's what you want right? To get away from earth? To get away from any attachments?

I turn my head and walk out the door. I walk down the hall to my room, my boots making a low "clip clop" echoing through the empty hall. Once I get off earth and go back to the Sovereign's planet, I'm off. I'll leave and they'll never find out where I am. I start mumbling to myself, only, I'm not actually alone. A voice in my head talks to me when I bother to listen, but I mostly tune it out.

"Why did you make me kill those people?" The voice asks.

"We need to get the Avengers attention" I answer coldly. I hear the voice sniff like its about to cry. Pathetic.

"Aw, does someone need a hug?" I mock.

"Shut up! Get out of my head!" The voice snaps.

"I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet. I was always there, waiting, watching. What the Sovereign injected you with fed me, made me stronger. Strong enough to take over your mind and body to do whatever I want. Now that you're too weak to repress me, all you can do now is cry" I hear silence from the voice, but for only a moment.

"If I could repress you then, I can sure as hell do it now!" The voice practically screams. I make a dry laugh.

"Oh you poor creature, does it look like you're in control?" I tune out the voice. It's probably screaming right now, by I don't care. I don't care about anything, it's so...blissful. Freeing.

Soon, I will leave once again to try and get the Avengers attention, because I know that my last attack certainly made them scared. I can't wait to see their faces when they see me.

This is Nightmare. Think of it ('it' because Nightmare isn't exactly a human) as the dark, emotionless version of Winky. Let me know what you think of this character.

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