Chapter 10

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      The two guards drag me back to my cell. Literally, I'm too weak to move my legs. They open the cell, and throw me in before locking the door tight. I lie on the ground, my body jolting as I gasp and cough.

"Winky?" I hear Nebula say as she crawls beside. Her brown cloak brushing against my skin.

"What happened? What did they do to you?" She questions.

"I–injections–" I managed to say through gasps.

"What are they planning for you?" She whispers.

Tears start to form in my eyes as my muscles slowly stop jolting. The last time I felt this homesick, I was in the lab, wishing I was back home with my parents. Now, all I want is to be back at the Avengers tower, hell, back on earth! Once again, I'm another experiment, just another guinea pig. Nebula seems to notice my tears, cause I feel her tense.

"Oh, uh...d–don't cry" she says awkwardly. I wipe them away, and slowly sit up.

"I wanna go home" I say just above a whisper.

I want to be back in Tony's lab, bothering him while he tries to revolutionize science for the 15th time. Be with Wanda and watch our favourite movies while we talk about how cute the characters are. Train with Natasha as we bet how much punching bags we can break. Teach Vision how to be a human and tease him for his ever growing crush on Wanda. Constantly tease Clint, and have him tease me back. I want to bother Sam until he takes me out flying on his falcon wings. I want to go on missions with Steve, and make him proud. I want to be with Bucky again, I want to tell him how much he means to me. Even though his metal arm can hurt me, I love being around him. I just want to go home...

"You have a family?" Nebula asks. I nod as I hug my knees to my chest.

"I may not know a whole lot about family, but I did have one once. And if there's one thing I learned from them, it's that I will never forget them" I look at the blue girl, my eyes glimmering from the tears.

"'re bad at this" I say. Nebula makes a very tiny laugh, the first time I actually ever saw her smile.

"Shut up" she says. I make a small smile as well, but go back to my solemn face.

"Can you walk?" Nebula asks.

I probably can now that my muscles aren't spasming anymore. I nod my head, and she helps me up. I lean on her slightly as she takes me to my bed. I sit down, wincing a little bit. I lay down and curl into a ball, force of habit really. In the lab I had starchy, thin blankets to keep me warm during the harsh winters, so I would curl up into a ball to keep my body heat in one place.
I hear Nebula sigh as I close my eyes. Maybe I can do this, I can't do it alone though. This strange, one handed blue creature, who seems to want to have nothing to do with anybody, will help me. Maybe I remind her of someone from her family, maybe a sister or brother, or she just needs to find someone to care about. I know I felt that way before.

"You think one day we should escape this shit hole?" Nebula asks me. I nod in agreement.

"One day, I'll get you out of here, and then I'll take you back to earth" she promises, but I shake my head.

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Nebula" I reply. I don't want to make her feel like she let me down. Right now Bucky is probably blaming himself to death about our promise. I can't let another friend feel that way too.

"What makes you think that?" The blue girl asks.

"It's kind of a long story" I answer, "I don't really want to talk about it" Nebula shrugs understandingly. There's a long pause before I speak again.

"Do you really think we could escape?" I ask, almost half asleep.

"You're friends with me, anythings possible" Nebula jokes. My lips twitch into a tiny smile.

"You trust me?" I ask.

"Just enough" she simply answers, "you know how to fight?" I smirk, and then pull out my hand. I flick my fingers, the energy dances on my fingertips as Nebula stares in astonishment.

"You are full of surprises" she says. I put out the sparks in my hands and shake the excess out. I fold my arm back into my ball, the tired smirk still on my face.

"When you get your strength back, we leave" the blue girl insists.

"Ok" I agree. I finally let sleep take over my mind, and my eyes slowly close. The world around me fading away for what I hope to be at least a couple hours.

Nebula was kinda hard to write, but I think I did decently ok. Let me know what ya think✌🏻️

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