Chapter 29

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        I hear the door open and two sets of footsteps, unrecognizable. I lye on the ground, holding my breath to make it look like I'm dead. Hey, if this is the only way I'm going to get out and help Steve, then I'm sure as hell gonna do it.

"Is she breathing?" A man, maybe in his late 20s asks.

"Doesn't look like it" answers a woman, possibly close to the same age as the man.

"Should we open the cell?" Asks the man. Just freaking open the damn cell you idiots! My chest is about to burst!

"Yeah, open it" answers the woman.

     I hear a buzz and my cell door opens. I hear the two walk in cautiously, and stop right above me. I keep my eyes close, and make sure not one muscle is moving. I feel a head go right up to my face, and I shoot my eyes open.
     Before whoever can react, I head butt them in the forehead. I take a sharp exhale of breath, and spring up. I look and see the man holding a gun aimed at me. Adrenaline still pumping through me, I run in a zig-zag formation making the man waste his bullets. I come up from the side and stun him with my energy powers. The man falls to the ground unconscious, while the woman just starts getting up. I run towards her and grab her shirt collar and brown curly hair. I shove her at the window and she slams her face into it. I grab her hair and bang her face into the glass again, this time she goes limp. I drop her and rush towards the door, but stop to turn and look at the two strangers on the floor.

"Sorry, but Steve needs me" I say before running out of the cell and closing the door behind them. I do that so they can't get out right away once they wake up, and I want to show them how it feels to be locked up in there. In your face assholes.
       I run down the hallway as fast as I can, already hearing sirens blare throughout the building. I look  over my shoulder as I'm running, and suddenly bump into what feels like a solid wall. I stumble back, almost falling backwards, and look up to see Bucky standing in front of me. A couple seconds go by of us just staring at each other, until I finally say something.

"Bucky, I-"

"You said you know where Steve is, right?" Bucky cuts me off. I nod my head.

"Then we better get going" he says. I give him a surprised look.

"Y-you're coming with me?" I stutter. The former assassin nods and grabs my hand.

     We run through the Avengers Tower until we reach the hangar where the Quinjet is, and we board it. Bucky sits in the pilot seat while I look and see Fury and a small handful of SHIELD agents rush into the hangar just when we start to take flight. Oh, those were SHIELD agents I attacked earlier. At this point, I don't even care anymore.
                      •     •     •     •

       I lean on the wall of the Quinjet, the  hum reminds me that this is the first time I've been on the it since Alaska. I get the feeling of nostalgia as I stare at Bucky piloting the jet. We've been flying for a while, but I don't know how long. My mind has been preoccupied with anxiety, mostly because I'm going back to the place where everything went down hill. I just hope Steve is alright.

"Can we talk?" The brunette asks.

" 'bout what?" I answer with a question.

"You know 'what'" he responds. I sigh and walk over to sit down in the co pilot seat next to the metal arm man. He sets the Quinjet on auto pilot and turns his chair to look at me.

"I'm really, really sorry" he says, giving me a sad, guilty look.

"Trust me Bucky, I think I've already done worse to ever deserve your apology" I reply.

"Still doesn't excuse the fact that I was an asshole" the former assassin counters, "you're going through a lot, and I put myself before you when you needed me the most. If anything I don't–" I place a hand on Bucky's, making him clip his speech short. He looks down at my hand overtop his, then looks back up at me. I see his eyes water, but he blinks them away the second they come.

"We're both shitty people, end of story" I say with a small smile. Bucky returns with one just as small, and sighs.

"How far are we from the weapons lab?" I ask, quickly changing the subject. The brunette turns his pilot seat so its facing the control panel again.

"We've got 10 minutes" he answers. I nod and get up from my co pilot seat and walk to the back to get my...oh...

    I don't have my mask. I lost it. The place will obviously be abandoned, and whoever is waiting there with Steve obviously knows who I am. But going on a mission, granted it's not an actual mission according to SHIELD, but still, it just feels...wrong. To go and save the day once again, but not have my mask with me. Hell, I'm still wearing my old Cage The Elephant graphic tee with faded jeans and a pair of old high tops. I don't even like wearing high tops, they were all I had for footwear.
     I don't have my combat suit with me, so I look around the Quinjet for something else to where. I pull a box out from a shelf and sift through it until I pull out a black hoodie. I can tell right away that it's Natasha's, because it's too small for me. I maybe shorter than her, but that doesn't mean I'm skinnier than her. I sigh and throw the hoodie back in the box. I push it back into the shelf, and stand up from my crouching position.

"Bucky, is there any–" I stop once I see Bucky standing from his seat holding my combat suit. It's the old one that I used to wear before Tony made me a new one.

"You still have it?" I ask in disbelief. Bucky nods, a smirk on his face. He tosses the combat suit at me and I catch it.

"Suit up" he says, "and let's get Steve back"

Whew, it's finally up! Hope you liked it!

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