Chapter 5

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"WINKY!" I scream.

"WINKY, WHERE ARE YOU?" No answer.

"Bucky, stop!" Steve says, holding me back so I don't try to jump after her, "Stop it, Bucky! She's gone!"

"NO, SHE CANT BE!" I yell at him. I never yelled at Steve, "WINKY!"

      Tears start streaming down my cheeks, this can't be happening! This doesn't feel real, it's just a terrible nightmare. It has to be! The flying purple winged hero stumbles back onto what's left of the top floor, panting and clutching her right arm. No Winky, yet I still look at her like there's hope. The mystery hero shakes their head and manages to say, "I couldn't save her..." and she passes out.
      It's like my body stops working, like I can't do anything but cry. Steve rushes over to the young hero and checks if she's ok. I fall to my knees, tears come out of my icy blue eyes like a tsunami. It's impossible to believe this is real, it can't be real! I'm dreaming, it's a really really bad nightmare, but it feels to real. She doesn't deserve this, she deserved to be happy. I promised her we would see the world, I promised, and I broke it. Now she's dead, Periwinkle is dead.

                       •     •     •     •

       We took Heartbeat to the Quinjet, she looks like she's in really bad shape. Her right arm is broken in three places, her back was bleeding earlier, and her skin was bruised and stretched. She has tattoos cascading all across the left side of her back all the way up to her shoulder. Her purple wings wrap around her like they're protecting her.
    We all sit in the Quinjet, flying around trying to look for Winky's body. Tony sits on a bench near by with his elbows resting on his knees, holding his face in his hands, hearing him sniffle once in a while. They were so close, like brother and sister. Winky and Tony were almost inseparable, always playing jokes on everyone, making each other feel better when one of them were feeling down, it reminded me of Steve and I when we were younger. Now Tony sits there, silently crying for his sister.

"I think I got something" Clint says.

     Everyone, including Tony, look at Clint. He points to a dot on the radar, and we look up at the window. Tony gets up and stands beside me, his eyes red and puffy. A fresh wave of tears come when he sees what's out the window. Wanda gasps and bursts into tears, and turns to Vision, crying into his chest. Clint bows his head and rubs his eyes, not wanting to look out there. Steve bows his head respectfully, a tear falling down his cheek. Natasha turns and leaves, unable to handle it. Sam takes off his goggles and shacks his head. I stand there, frozen. Outside of that window, lying in a pile of rubble, her face barely recognizable from all the blood and purple bruises, is Winky.

"Winky..." Tony says under his breath, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"I'll call SHIELD and get them to pick her up" Clint says in a shaky voice, tapping some buttons.

     What feels like a minute later, he starts the Quinjet up again, a SHIELD helicopter already near by to collect Winky. I stare through the window, and I don't stop until she's out of my eyesight. I make a deep, silent sigh of grief and finally turn away from the cockpit. I jump back when I see Heartbeat sitting up on her medical bed.

Ngl...when I wrote this I cried a little. No. Joke. Can't wait to see your colourful comments on here telling me how evil I am. Whelp, enjoy! I'm off to go have a cup of tea with Satan😈☕️

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