Chapter 26

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Ayesha, ruler of The Sovereign, sits on her seat with her elbows resting on her knees. Her pure, golden locks fall down on her shoulders as she stares at the Birthing pod to make the perfect being. Adam.

The guardians may have won this time, but they have no idea what's coming to them.

"High Priestess" says a young servant.

"What?" Ayesha asks in a quite, entranced voice, not taking her eyes off of the machine containing her perfect creation.

"He wants to speak to you" she answers, "specifically about Nightmare" Ayesha sighs and waves a hand to dismiss the servant.

After a minute of silence, she commands the guards to set up the screen. A guard pushes a button and a large screen pops up out of nowhere, revealing a face all too familiar to the golden women. Ayesha's expression doesn't change as she stares at the large, purple face that looks like it was carved out of stone.

"You lost her, didn't you?" He asks, a hint of attitude in his low voice.

"Your spell worked for the most part, she did eventually give in to the pain. But she too, is quite strong when it comes to her will power" the High Priestess explains.

"Do you want her back?" The face on the screen asks. Ayesha stands up from her cushioned seat, and takes a few steps closer. She pauses before answering, learning from experience to chose her words carefully.

"I do. She's a valuable asset to the war" she answers, "but how do I release her death grip on those sorry excuses for heroes?" The purple face smiles greedily.

"She's hanging on by a thread, all you have to do is cut it. The second she draws blood from any one of her friends, that's your chance to take them hostage. Lure her back with emotions, she'll do anything at that point" he explains. Ayesha looks at the screen with wide golden eyes. A smile creeps up on her face, and she nods in satisfaction.

"Good" he purrs, "get yourselves ready. Don't lose her again" the golden women turns from the screen and walks towards the exit, her dress swaying with her movements.

"Yes, Thanos"

Posting two cause they super duper short. Did you guess that Thanos was the one pulling the strings?

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