Chapter 18

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     My knee is bouncing up and down as I sit in the Quinjet with the rest of the Avengers. Steve sits in the cockpit flying it, he hasn't said a word. Not since we got on.

"So, Winky is attacking a weapons facility" says Sam, "sounds kinda familiar to you?" I nod in agreement.

"But this time, she's attacking innocent people, not criminals" Natasha adds.

"So how do we do this?" Wanda asks.

"We need to find out the reason. I mean, she wouldn't be doing this without a reason"  I say.

"And then what?" Tony asks, sitting on the bench and leaning against the wall. I sigh, I'm not used to being in charge, but Steve is in a dark place. We all are.

"We'll figure it out from there, I guess" I answer.

"We're coming in" Steve notifies us. The first words he said to us since we left.

      Tony gets up from the bench and walks to the back of the Quinjet to get his suit. Sam goes to a less crowded part of the jet and gives his equipment a quick test to make sure everything is working. Nat checks the ammunition in her guns, then slides them back into her holsters. I check a few of the gadgets that Tony has made for me in the past. Pistols, ones that fight both my real hand and metal hand perfectly, and two combat knives, I hide one in each boot.

"Ready?" I ask Steve as he gets out of the cockpit to grab his shield.

"If I'm being honest: not really" he answers. I give him a small smile, just like he would sometimes do to make me feel better.

"We'll figure it out, we always do" I say. Steve only nods in response.

      I feel the Quinjet lower to the ground. I feel my stomach twist as I watch the large ramp slowly and gently hit the ground.

                      •     •     •     •

        The small SHEILD weapons lab is located in a huge forest in Pensilvania. Evergreen trees and cedar trees grow densely together, while pine needles and sticks snap under my combat boots. As Black Widow, Captain America, The Scarlett Witch and I race to the weapons lab, Warmachine, Iron Man, Vision and Falcon fly over us. We finally reach the weapons lab. Blood is everywhere.
      There are a few bodies scattered in the court yard, but there's also piles of ash. Vision walks up to one of the piles and scans it. He turns to us, eyes wide with terror.

"These piles of ash are human remains" he says.

"You think...?" Wanda couldn't finish, but we know what she means.

    Winky is very powerful. She's strong too, sometimes as strong as Steve if she tries. Her electricity can have enough energy to shut down the entire state of NewYork if she wanted to. But I had no idea that her electricity could get hot enough to turn someone into freaking ash. I don't even think she did either.

"Winky could be anywhere, we'll split up" Steve plans, "Wanda, Vision, you're together" the two look at each other, Wanda giving the android a small smile.

"Rhody and Tony, you guys cover us from the sky" Rhodes and Tony nod in agreement.

"Sam and Natasha, watch each other's backs" Sam and Natasha give Steve a slightly confused look but quickly go back to their stoic expressions. Clint is usually paired with Natasha, but he's obviously not here.

"Bucky, you're with me. Lets go" we sprint into action, heading into all different directions.

     Steve and I race inside the weapons lab. The building is about the size of a mansion, slightly bigger maybe. The inside is open and spacious. A desk with a sign that says, "guest service" on the front in large font looks a lot more ominous with a small blood spatter on the V.  On each side is a hallway, guess we're gonna have to split up again.
    Steve and I look at each other, knowing exactly what do to. Steve heads to the left while I race to the right. I run down the hall as fast as my super soldier legs can go, sliding on the black tile floor as I turn corners. I run past a series of doors, glancing at them as I past by –wait.
     I stop and walk back to the door I just past. I look inside the little circular window on the wall and my eyes widen. I see someone in all black holding a women in the air by the jaw. My eyes widen, and franticly try to open the door, but it won't budge. At this point I'm banging my whole body on the door trying to get it open. Finally it swings open and I stumble in. I see the women that was being held by that figure on he ground with smoke coming up from her body.

"Hey!" I call out. I don't know why I did, it felt like my mouth had a mind of its own for a second.

     The all black figure turns around, their dirty blonde hair hanging over the left eye. I'm only standing a couple yards away from the figure, but I already know who this person is. It's Winky. Only its not Winky, its Nightmare.

Oooooooooh they finally meet! Get ready for chapter 19 tomorrow, it's gonna be a doozy!!

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