Chapter 9

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       I'm counting the days. The days spent here. I don't like it here, but Nebula has made it tolerable. She's very closed mouthed about her past, and how she got caught by The Sovereign. She sort of reminds me of Natasha: she was never very open about her past, but was always there to talk to.
As the days go by, my body continues to heal. It's a good thing I regenerate quickly, but everything is always soar. I stayed in bed for three days until I was finally able to sit up without having to bite my lip to keep from screaming. I still don't understand how I actually survived that fall. It was a big drop, even for me.

"Hey, Winky" Nebula whispers to me. I don't know why, our cell is pretty secluded.

"Hm?" I reply. I'm laying down in my bed, trying to somehow get some sleep. Worry for my Avengers kept me awake for days.

"Do you hear that?" She asks. I open my periwinkle blue eyes and listen closely. Footsteps, and they're getting louder. That wouldn't be weird, but dinner was 3 hours ago and after that they leave us alone until breakfast.

I slowly sit up, wincing while holding my ribs. I look at Nebula, she wears a semi confused face. I think at this point we both stopped caring. I'm literally a million miles away from home with no way of getting back, and Nebula probably has other reasons. The door to our cell opens, and two Sovereign guards step in. Like literally everyone on this stupid planet, they're completely gold. Golden hair, golden eyes. Hell, even golden skin.

"You there" one of the guards say, pointing a golden finger at me, "get up" I scrunch my face in confusion.

"Why?" I ask. Instead of answering, the two guards just grab both my arms and practically drag me.

"Ow, watch it!" I snap.

I limp out of the cell, looking back at Nebula. She looks worried, but stays silent. I don't blame her, what can she do? It's not like she can snap her fingers and free us both. I turn back, trying hard not to make any noise other then a couple groans. Last time I complained about my injuries one of them socked me in the teeth.
The guards drag me to a circular room. In the middle are more circles stacked on top of each other, each smaller then the last, creating steps. At the top is a golden seat, like the ones the Egyptians used to get fanned by palm leaves.
Instead of taking me up the steps to the lovely seat, they take me around to a strange looking chair and forcibly sit me down in it. I grunt, making one of the guards, I think is a women, look at me with a strange look.

"Aw, does the baby have a boo boo?" Nope, it's a boy. It's impossible to tell these with these freaks. I only glare at him as he laughs.

"Do you need someone to kiss it?" He asks in a mocking voice.

"Yeah, but not from you. You're ugly as shit" I snap back. The other guard, probably a women, snickers at my comment. The boy guard glares at her, and then at me.

"You think you're funny?" He asks me. I give him a smirk.

"I think I'm adorable" I answer. The guard raises his fist and aims it towards my face. I brace myself for the blow, not regretting my words one bit.

"That's enough" I hear a voice behind the guard say. He turns around, giving me a clear sight of a woman. This time I'm sure, because she's wearing a long dress that goes down past her ankles, with a train in the back. Her hair is done up in a bun, and is wearing some sort of tiara...or something. She was also completely gold, of course.

"Sorry, your highness" says the guard, Bowing his head.

The women walks towards me gracefully, almost like she's dancing but not quit. Once she reaches me, she places her index finger under my chin. That look of interest she gives looks familiar.

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