Chapter 12

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     Three months. It's been three months. Three months of injecting me with...whatever it is. Three months of Ayesha trying to convince me that it's the Avengers fault I'm here. Their fault I fell off that mountain. Three months of being dragged into my cell and jolting on the floor. Three months of Nebula putting me back together every time.

"Is it still the same?" She asks me. I nod in response. I lay on the ground, just getting over the after affects of the injection.

"Did you see anyway of escaping?" I shake my head. I hear the blue girl sigh.

"Will we ever get out of here?" I ask her, my voice scratchy and soar from screaming at Ayesha.

"I don't know" Nebula answers, "maybe we're just gonna have to fight our way out"

"That doesn't sound smart" I reply.

"Yeah well, it's our only option at the moment"

Suddenly, our cell door opens. Two guards come out, but they don't look at me. They look at Nebula. They walk over to her and grab her arms. They start dragging her but she tries to get free.

"Hey! Let me go!" She shouts. I get up from the floor as fast as I can, but just recovering from their injections I'm still weak.

"Nebula!" I exclaim. She tries to free herself from the guards grip, but they punch her in the face. Hard.

"Stop!" I shout as I try to free Nebula. I yank on the guards arms, but they just push me back, and I fall to the ground again. I quickly scramble to get back up and race towards the door. I see the cell door close, and the guards dragging Nebula away. I hold the bars and shake them violently to try.

"Nebula! I'll get out, I promise!" Tears start to well up in my eyes. We were supposed to escape, I was supposed to take her back to earth and help her start fresh. This isn't fair! It's never fair! I sink to the floor, tears falling down my cheeks. The second I find someone, someone that gave me a sliver of hope, they're gone. I guess I should have learned a long time ago: I can't get attached.

• • • •

It's been hours since they took Nebula. I lay in my bed facing the wall, my eyes closed shut. Why is sleeping such a struggle for me? Even back at the Avengers tower I always had trouble sleeping, and it wasn't just because of nightmares. I still have them, just not as often anymore. I used to get them every night, it was awful. When I do get them, Bucky or Steve would check on me. I'm pretty sure they told FRIDAY to let them know when I have nightmares. I told FRIDAY notify me when Bucky wakes up suddenly, like in a panic kind of way, so I can check on him. Sometimes when I wake him up he goes right back to sleep, other times I stay with him and talk to help him forget about his nightmare. And if he's having a nightmare about being the Winter Soldier, I sing to him. He always seems to calm down right away when I sing to him, doesn't matter which song.

"...her in" I hear a distant voice say. I open my eyes and hear footsteps walking to my cell. I hear my door open, and I look over my shoulder while still lying on the bed. Two guards come in to drag me out and take me to Ayesha, she'll try to convince me that I should kill the Avengers blah blah blah.
I sit up on the bed and hold my arms out. I know the drill. The two guards look at each other with slight confusion. I always tried to escape their grip so I didn't have to go through the injections again. But now I'm completely submissive to them. They finally take me, and drag me out of my cell.
I look down at the floor as they walk me to that room again for the 85th time. They strap me to the chair for the 85th time, and Ayesha comes for the 85th time to tell me how "horrible" the Avengers are. She walks over to me, everything on her is in place, everything is perfect.

"Did you know that nobody fights for no reason? There's always something, sometimes small and not worth the effort. But some are much bigger, some are worth fighting for" Ayesha says as she stands tall in front of me.

"What's this got to do with anything?" I ask, pretending to be clueless.

"You know full well what that is" she answers, "my other prisoner–what was her name again?" I glare at the golden women with my periwinkle blue eyes.

"Nebula" I answer, venom lacing my voice, "her name was Nebula" Ayesha hums as her golden eyes stare at me.

"Yes, her" she says, "she was the reason you were able to resist the serum for so long, but..." the golden women lowers herself so that we are eye to eye. I dare myself to look into her eyes, even though I'm terrified.

"She's not here" her voice is lowered to just barely above a whisper. Then they inject me.

The sharp pain I'm all too familiar with goes through my neck, but leaves right after. I feel numb again. Then the electrical shock feeling comes, and my muscles start spasming. It's getting harder to breath, this time it feels like I'm suffocating. I think they upped the dosage. Ayesha continues to stare at me with those menacing golden orbs.

"What. Do. You. Feel?" She asks me, venom lacing her voice.

"–anger–" I answer between gasps for breath. I start wheezing, like my lungs are collapsing. Course they're not, I know what it feels like and it's not fun.

"For who?" The golden women asks.

I'm trying to fight it, I am. It hurts so much though. I can't talk, I can hardly breath, my muscles are jolting in all sorts of places. I've lost all control of my body, my mind is all I have left, and I can even feel that slip away. Nebula is gone, my family is a million miles away, I have no hope in getting home. I feel no point in holding on except for the fact that if I do let go, I will try to hurt my friends. I'm sorry Steve, I'm sorry Bucky, I'm sorry Tony...but I can't do this anymore.

Get ready cause the next chapter is about a very special character. Can you guess who it is? Hehehehehe

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