Chapter 3

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I frantically look around the large empty room for something to use-anything that could help us! The beeping starts getting faster, this is bad. My eyes finally land on the the large metal crates lining the walls.

"I got an idea!" I exclaim.

"What is it?" Winky asks, her voice slightly shaking.

"Help me move these crates and make a wall with them!" I explain quickly.

"Beep beep beep!"

We both race to the end of the large concrete room and grab the first metal crate. It's about an inch and a half bigger than Winky, so there's no way we are able to pick these up and stack 'em. Winky and I go behind one farthest from the bomb and move it forward to give us room to hide behind. Then we go for the next one, the beeping getting even faster. We go behind and push it until it's right next to the other crate.


Winky and I both jump in behind it and curl up in ball and boom. All I hear is a loud blast that can only be described as the sound of ice falling off of an iceberg. I thought I would feel flames lick my slightly exposed toe peeking behind the crate, but I don't even feel the heat, the sound was so loud though.
I can't hear anything now except for a high pitch ring in my ears that feels like it never will go away. I sit there and try to will away the ring, but it won't go. I then feel Someone shake me and I look up, my vision blurry. I see Winky trying to tell me something, her mouth moves yet I still hear nothing. Then the ringing slowly fades away, and things go back into focus. Like emerging from the water, everything sounds and looks clear again. That's when I hear the ear splitting CRACK!
Winky and I look at each other with wide eyes. The buildings collapsing. I look ahead and see a jagged, deep crack quickly growing until it stretches from one wall to the other. The floor Winky and I are on starts to wobble and tip back! If we don't run, we will fall into the mountains below. I will not go through that again!

"RUN!" Winky shouts over the crashing of debris.

Winky and I race to the stable part of the building, feeling the snow and cold weather. I look up and see that the ceiling is split and that half of the floor is about to plummet hundreds of feet to the rock hard ground. We can make it, just a little-
I'm interrupted when I feel Winky somehow grab my combat suit's collar, and shout "jump!" I obey and I jump, Winky throwing me into the air. I stretch my arms and just barely reach the other side. I scramble up, and see Winky about to jump after me.

"WINKY!" I scream at her like it will do something.

The floor crumbles under her feet before she can jump to other side, and she falls. A flash of purple dive bombs after the her.

Nightmare (sequel to Electric completed)Where stories live. Discover now