Chapter 23

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       I hum a song. A song I used to sing a lot. I don't sing anymore, I'm not sure why. Guess I sing when I'm happy, I'm not happy right now, so I hum. The song is sweet, sad, and beautiful all at the same time. I love those kind of songs, they're so graceful and calming.

"You sure showed Stark earlier" says the voice. I ignore its comment and twiddle my thumbs. I'm lying in my bed awake at 2AM trying to sleep. I'm so tired, but the voice keeps waking me up.

"Don't try to ignore me. It's a little hard when I'm in your head" the voice says. I roll my eyes and stop twiddling my thumbs so I can move onto my side. I face the wall so I can focus a little more on sleep.

"I know" I whisper in response, "you reminded 20 times already" I hear the voice make a dry laugh.

"And every time I remind you, I feel more and more capable of overcoming you and taking over"

      I sigh and try to tune out the voice. Gosh, it's annoying. I focus on sleep again, and I finally feel my self drift of– I suddenly hear a noise, but I assume it's just an agent checking on me. I silently curse them for waking me up the second I was about to fall asleep. Assholes.
     I ignore it and continue staring at the wall. I stare at the wall with my bloodshot, tired eyes for what felt like forever, listening for the door to close again, but it never does. Then I start hearing footsteps walking towards me, but I still face the wall. After another minute of lying in bed waiting for whoever was in here to leave, I give in to my curiosity. I sit up and turn to look at a figure with a feminine body–so a girl–standing just outside the glass wall.

"Hey" I say, my voice croaky from lack of use. When the girl doesn't react, I get off my bed and cautiously walk up to the glass. I stop in front of the girl and stare at her. It's too dark to get any details on her face, but she looks to be maybe in her teens. So young.

         The girl places her hand on the glass, right where my hand is. I didn't even notice my hand was on the glass. The girl's eyes suddenly glow a beautiful green, and it all comes back. The howling wind, the bite of the ice cold air, a winged figure dive bombing to me in an attempt to save me. This is Heartbeat! This is the hero that tried to save me!

"H-hey! I know you!" I exclaim. The girl's eyes stop glowing. I hear her gasp and run to the air vents swiftly. She crawls in and quickly puts the lid on, disappearing from me.

"Hey! Wait, come back!" I shout at the air vents. Two agents suddenly burst in, making me jump. I look at them with anger, and they look back with fear.

"GET OUT!" I scream at them, lights bursting. The two agents run out and close the door shut behind them. Smart choice.

       I sigh and go back on my bed. I lay down, and suddenly feel calm. Which is strange because I screamed at two agents 5 seconds ago. I close my eyes, and feel myself finally drift off.

                        •     •     •     •

     The Avengers sit in a meeting room staring at agent Phil Coulson. It's late, but he said it was important. The agent looks at us, his usually professional face now shows some sympathy.

"I hear you have arrested Agent Lomen?" Coulson says, more of a statement than a question, "is she mentally stable at all?" There's a moment of silence before I answer.

"Not entirely, sir" I say, "she explained to me that whatever she was before is gone, and that she's Winky again. She made it sound like its a second personality almost" the agent cocks his head to the side when I mention split personalities.

"Look, I like Winky, alright?" Sam chimes in, "but for all we know, she could be lying. We all know from experience it's one of her natural skills, and Nightmare would be all over that" Tony gives Sam a glare.

"Oh, so suddenly you know all about her" he snaps.

"Tony, not right now" I say, defusing a possible fight.

"I talked to her, shes genuine" I reply to Sam, "The look in Winky's eyes when I told her I believed her was something not even she can fake" I suddenly start feeling bad for being mad at her, it wasn't her fault. I, of all people, should understand that.

"She obviously would have been injured when these 'Sovereign' guys found her. We should get someone to check her" Wanda suggests. The Avengers simultaneously nod with agreement.

"I'll call Brucie" Tony offers, getting up while fishing for his phone from his pocket. He walks out of the room and into the hallway, closing the door behind him.

"What do you suppose we do about Agent Lomen?" Vision asks Coulson. Vision has only been calling her "Agent Lomen" since we arrested her.

"I don't know" he answers after a pause, "maybe take her to a high security prison? That is, if she's not mentally stable enough"

"That's not gonna happen" Bucky denies, "shes not completely herself, but she won't attack any of us–"

"Don't I get a say in this?" A familiar voice from the door interrupts him. We all turn to see Clint Barton standing in the door way.

"I heard what happened. Came as soon as I could" he says. Clint walks in and takes a seat next to Sam, and nods to Bucky to continue. Bucky, like all of us, is surprised to see him here. The brunette clears his throat and continues.

"Like I was saying" he starts, "she won't attack us, she can't go to prison"

"Maybe set her up with a therapist" I suggest.

"I doubt any therapist can handle Winky's problems" Wanda counters with a dry laugh.

"They don't have to fix all of her problems, just help her through the after affects of what happened in Alaska" I explain.

"Whatever happened in those 3 months made Winky go batshit crazy" Clint chimes in, "I don't think a therapist can fix it"

"Well we have to do something!" Bucky says, raising his voice.

"Everyone stop!" Coulson commands the Avengers, "I know this is hard, but we need to be civil about this. Agent–" he stops himself, like it would be wrong, almost offensive, to say Winky's SHIELD name.

"Winky needs you guys, and fighting isn't going to help her" there's a pause before anyone says anything. I open my mouth to speak, but Tony comes through the door.

"I just got off the phone with Brucie" he says.

"And?" I ask.

"He'll do it" the billionaire answers, "he's coming by tomorrow"

I realize that Bruce Banner is with Thor on some planet but he was important to the story. Enjoy!

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