Chapter 8

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       The first thing I hear is shuffling of footsteps and chains clanging together, reminding me of that video game Clint would play, "Dark Souls", I think it's called. Maybe I'm back, sitting in one of the Avengers rooms while they play a video game.
      I open my eyes and groan, not just because of the terrible headache, but because I'm in a dark room. A thought comes across me: am I in the Dark Souls game? I mentally slap myself for being very dumb and unrealistic.                      
      What happened? I was on a mission, there was an explosion and...what else? I don't remember what happened after that, maybe the building collapsed and I fell. I remember waking up and seeing a blurry golden figure, that's something, but everything in between the explosion and the golden figure are completely blank. Except for one small thing: Emerald green.

"You're finally awake" I hear a voice say.

"" I slowly ask, still unable to think straight.

"You're on The Sovereign's planet" the woman's voice answers.

"What...?" I ask again, my eyes slowly fluttering open. I try to move, but shoots of intense pain go through the second I try. I wince, and settle back on the surprisingly comfortable bed, at least more comfortable then the cold, hard stone ground.

"That's a bad idea" says the woman. I turn my head and see a blurry blue and brown splotch leaning up against the wall.

"" I ask her.

"I'm Nebula. And you are?" She answers. Nebula? That's strange name.

"My name..." I close my eyes and sigh, trying to ignore the pounding in my head, "Winky..." I finally answer.

"Winky" Nebula echoes, "you look like you're not from around here" I turn my head to her, my eyes more open this time. It's still a little blurry, but I just see the solid black eyes blinking at me. Who is this person? Where am I?

"I'm not" I answer.

"Where are you from then?"

"Why would I tell you?" Nebula sighs.

"Just trying to make conversation, hadn't seen much people here in a while" my vision finally stars clearing up, and I'm able to see who I'm talking to better.

      Nebula is blue, her skin is blue. That's something you don't see everyday. Her eyes are completely black, yet you can still see emotion in it. They look sad and lonely, like someone disappointed her one too many times. I look at the chains around her wrists, and see that her left hand is gone. Wires and metal parts stick out where a hand should be. Is she some kind of robot? If she is, then why do her eyes hold so much pain? A robot can't show pain, they're robots. Maybe she's like that Terminator guy, a cyborg.

"Winky sounds like a girls name" Nebula says randomly. I give her a confused look.

"I am a girl" I answer. The blue woman looks at me also with confusion.

"I thought you were a boy" she says.

"Why the hell would you think I was a boy?"

"Well your hair for starters, and it's a little hard to see if you have boobs" I chuckle, but stop quickly once I feel the deep pain in my rib cage.

"You have no filter" I say as I very slowly start sitting up. I wince and clutch my rib cage, but I manage to sit up and lean my back against the wall.

"Why would I have a filter?" Nebula asks.

"It's a–" I stop and sigh, "never mind"

     We sit in silence, giving me time to finally take in my surroundings. I realize I'm in a jail cell. Strange looking golden bars separate Nebula and I from solving the mystery of what's outside. The ground is hard, black stone, I think at least. I still haven't touched the ground, let alone left my bed, so it's unknown if the ground is actually stone cause it looks so smooth. The walls match the floor as well, creating a dark atmosphere. It makes you feel scared and afraid, like having any hope is against the law here. Like the walls have never seen happiness before, it's very unsettling.
    There's a window at least, on the wall right across from the jail bars,  but I'm a little afraid to look out of it. I just had a conversation with a bald, blue cyborg with black eyes, who knows where I am. But despite my fears and common sense screaming at me to not look, I do. I gasp as I look and see a black sky and stars, with golden buildings dotting the horizon. I try looking for any planets in the solar system to tell me a little bit of where I am, but I see nothing. I'm very very far from home. I look back at Nebula with wide eyes, trying not to have a panic attack.

"How long have I been unconscious?" I demand more then ask.

"Three days, at least as far as I know" Nebula answers nonchalantly.

    I've been out for three days? Three?! And I end up in a different planet–a different galaxy!

Whaaaat?! She's alive!!! Ha, you think I was going to kill off my OC? Bitch you THOUGHT! Vote and comment letting me know what you think!

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