Chapter 21

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       My throat hurts. That's the first thing I feel. Wait...I can feel again. I've been numb for weeks, now I finally feel. What happened? Come on Winky, think. I was in a small weapons lab...I saw Bucky! Bucky was there, and Steve!
     My eyes shoot open, it feels like I'm suffocating. I gasp for breath, but I don't sit up yet. I'm on a bed, my fingers squeezes the wool blanket as I try to slow my breathing down. Bright lights, they flicker though. White room, white clothes. I lift my hand and feel for the golden wing clipped to my ear lobe, but it's gone. They must've took it off. Good.
     My eyes dart up and down and side to side as my vision quickly clears up. I see I'm on a white bed, wearing white clothes. The floor is white, I'm starting to hate that colour. All of the information comes at once. The injections, the Sovereign, Nightmare...murder. I killed so many people, so many lives! I nearly killed Bucky, how could I?

"Winky" I hear a familiar voice say my name. That's Steve. His voice sounds quiet and croaky. I turn my head and see the tall, broad shouldered blond standing a good distance away from me. His blue eyes are red, and pink lines the edges indicating that he was crying earlier. What for? For me, for Bucky? Did I actually kill Bucky?!
    I sit up slowly, wincing and holding my head in my hand. They must of knocked Nightmare out, giving me a chance to take over. I still feel it though, it feels a little distant, but it's there. And angry, but that's not surprising.
     I take a minute to process it before I realize that my best friend who I haven't seen in over three months is standing just yards away from me.

"Steve!" I get up off the bed and run to him. I suddenly see a small glare from the lights, and use my hands to stop myself from slamming into the glass wall. I look at the glass in confusion, but quickly put the pieces together. I'm in a cell. Fair enough.

"Are you actually Winky?" Steve asks.

"Yes, yes, yes. I'm Winky, you have to believe me" I beg.

"I believe you, don't worry" he assures me, his hand out to try and calm me down. I sigh with relief, and sink to the floor. I lean my back on the glass wall, and let the silence continue. After a minute of no talking, I speak up.

"Where am I?" I ask, not sure if he is still even there.

"You're in the Avengers tower. Tony made this cell a while back" he answers. Another pause.

"How badly did I hurt Bucky?" I ask.  Steve sighs before answering.

"He has a few broken ribs, a cut on his side from you when you bashed him with my shield" he answers, his voice wavering.

"You also electrocuted him until his heart stopped" my eyes widen, and I turn my head to look at him.

"Did I–" I start, my voice shaking in fear.

"No. I did CPR on him to start his heart again" he answers, cutting me off. I make a shaky sigh of relief, tears threatening to spillover of my eyes.

"I'm so sorr–"

"Sorry's not gonna undo what you did back there, Winky" Steve cuts me off again, venom lacing his voice.

"I–its not my fault! Let me explain" I exclaim, a tear falling down my cheek.

"Yes, please explain why you caused so much trouble! I'm curious" the blond replies, raising his voice.

      I explain everything from the start. When I fell off that mountain, how the Sovereign found me and took me to their planet. When they injected me with that unknown serum, and how long I fought it. I tell him about Nightmare and what she is. Nightmare is a second personality, kind of. The serum must've somehow created another version of me, the evil me. When Nightmare is in control, I'm left to watch her do terrible things. But now that I'm in control, I only remember bits and pieces.
      Once I'm done explaining to Steve all that happened, he gives me an unreadable look. He doesn't believe me. I guess that's fair, I wouldn't believe me either.

Nightmare (sequel to Electric completed)Where stories live. Discover now