Chapter 32

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        We all stare in shock for a second. I look at Steve lying limp on the ground, a dark crimson stain growing on his shirt.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

I was supposed to save him.

   The golden women faces Bucky, who looks ready to rip her to pieces. His icy blue eyes look even colder and darker than the freezing winds biting our cheeks.

"Hm" hums the golden freak nonchalantly while looking at Bucky's pistol with satisfaction.

"That'll work too" I feel white hot rage course through me as I get up slowly, staring at her back.

     I run towards her with speed only a super soldier can have. I'm so quick, the golden women doesn't even have time to turn and aim the gun at me. I jump onto her back, screaming in pure rage as I yank her golden hair, my legs wrapped around her torso tightly.
"GET OFF OF ME!" The golden women screams as she tries throwing me off, but my grip on her long hair is too strong and it only causes more pain for her. This time, my anger does not feel like it's out of control, I don't feel like I don't have a grip on reality. No, I'm fully aware at what I'm doing. I'm fully aware that this isn't Nightmare, this isn't Delilah Lomen. This is Periwinkle. And this bitch hurt Steve.

    I manage to snatch the gun out of her flailing hands and use it to hit her with it. Finally, I purposely loosen my grip the golden women's hair and torso and she throws me off. I somersault onto the ground and land on my feet, skidding on the slippery concrete. I throw the gun far away and it slides off the edge into the snowy mountain terrain. I flick my fingers and feel the slight tingling of energy dancing on my fingertips. I savour the feeling for a second before bolting towards the golden women again.
    I swipe at her torso and she just barely dodges it. The look of shock and out of breath on her face tells me that she probably regrets to ever agreeing to face me. The second swipe at her torso and I connect. I hear the golden women scream through clenched teeth as electricity melts her insides. Finally, she falls to the ground. Dead.
     I drop my hands to my sides, still feeling the very faint tingling in my fingertips, although I'm not using my powers. I stare at the golden women while breathing heavily, taking a moment to catch up with my self. But it's only a few seconds later that I hear Bucky call my name, his voice wavering.
    I rush over to the brunette cradling his best friend in his arms. I sit on the other side of Steve and look at his wound to try and do something about the situation. I feel tears welling up in my eyes, but I blink them away. Steve needs me and I can't let my emotions get the better of me. I pull up the blond's shirt to see the bullet wound in his abdomen. It doesn't look good.

"H-he jumped right in front of me. I was supposed to get shot, not him!" He stutters, using his real hand to clot the blood oozing out of Steve.

"We gotta get him back to the jet" I state, "but I'm afraid if we move him, it'll make him lose more blood"  Bucky looks up from Steve's pale face and stares at me with scared and worried eyes.

"We have to do something, Winky" he replies, "I can't lose him..." I rack my brain to try and think of something to stop the bleeding at least. Suddenly, Steve's eyes flutter open, his eyelids heavy.

"Buck..." he croaks out, " 'm s'rry...I missed our d'ble date..." the brunette makes a sad smile, his icy blue eyes subtly filling with tears.

"It's ok, Steve" he replies through a pained laugh that sounds like it's covering a sob. The former assassin suddenly lifts his head up and stares at nothing. He looks like he's concentrating on listening to something. Then I hear it too.

The low rumble of a jet.

     I feel a wave of relief wash over me as I here it getting louder and louder. I look at Bucky and he looks at me. After a pause the brunette jumps up and runs to get my jacket to use as a way to clot Steve's wound. He comes back and slides on the concrete to the blond and I with my jacket flying in the air from the harsh winds.
     Bucky presses it onto Steve's wound, and a hiss escapes his lips. The brunette ignores it, probably forcing himself to. I feel the blond's cheek as I caress it to try and comfort him. He's so cold.
   I look over to the gaping "hole"–if you can even call it that–in the building and a determined look forms on my face. I sprung up and head to the edge, waving my hands to try and get the attention of the jet. I knew that they would find us, I knew they would.

"HEY! OVER HERE! HEY!" I scream into the howling wind. I keep doing it for three long minutes before taking a breath so I can continue.

    Finally, appearing out of the wind and snow, a familiar jackass sitting in the pilot seat of a jet.

"Clint!" I shout with joy and relief, "I never felt this happy to see you!"

"Yeah, nice to see you too, Winky!" He replies through the comm. the spy is about to go and land the jet, but I quickly stop him.

"Wait! Call for a medic, Steve's hurt!" I say. Clint nods his head and goes to land the jet.

    I turn and rush back to Steve and Bucky to tell them help is on the way. I sit on the opposite side of Steve, who's unconscious, and notice that Bucky doesn't even look up.

"Help is coming. How's he doing?" I ask the brunette cradling his best friend. It reminds me of when Steve and Bucky were younger back in the 40s. Steve showed me a few pictures and the Smithsonian gave me a lot of information about the two.

"He's breathing" Bucky answers simply.

"He's gonna be ok, Bucky. I promise" he looks up from Steve and stares at me with big, worried eyes. I give him a small smile to try and reassure him, and I see the brunette's shoulders relax a tiny bit.

Steve will be ok. We all will.

Panic time is over. Or is it...? No it's over hahaha!

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