Chapter 25

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"So what do you think, Banner?" Steve asks the doctor. Banner sighs and takes off his glasses to rub his eyes.

"Physically, she'll be fine, just has to take it easy for a couple days. Mentally?" he pauses and shakes his head, "Periwinkle is very brave about the situation, but is also very scared. I had to cut the check up short because she looked like she was on the verge of tears. When she gets out, she's going to need you guys to be there for her no matter what" the room falls silent, the fan on the ceiling being the only noise.

"Is Winky allowed to be released?" I ask Banner.

"She has to take time off of missions to fully heal, and she's going need a lot of support from her friends, but I think she can be released" he answers. I sigh with relief along with the rest of the Avengers.

Winky can finally get out of that cell, things can finally go back to normal. I'm so happy she'll finally be with us I? I am glad that she's alive, but it doesn't feel quite right in a way. A few months ago I would've gave everything I had just to see Winky again, but now that she's finally feels like I'm back at square one. Like all the sorrow I felt back then, I'm starting to feel now. I guess you can say it's bitter sweet, but I'm tasting more bitter than sweet. I was just getting over her death, then suddenly she's back, but it wasn't her. Boy, now I know how Steve felt when he first found out I was alive.

• • • •

I wipe tears off my cheeks with my white shirt sleeve. I notice my white clothes are getting dirty, I wish I could change, maybe shower too. That would be nice, to feel clean again.

"Don't avoid the obvious. You've been crying over it for 10 minutes now" says the voice. I feel more tears coming.

"You're such a baby, suck it up! You're so pathetic!" I grab my head and clench my fists, collecting clumps of hair still attached to my scalp.

"Please just leave me alone" I plead. At this point I'm desperate. I sniff and wipe my runny nose on my arm and stare at my bare feet. They're red from how cold it is in here, I hate it. The AC is always on, and I'm in the basement of the Avengers Tower. I never do well in the cold, I hate the cold.

I hear the door open, but I don't look up. Whoever it is, I don't want to talk to them. I just want to be alone so no one asks me what's wrong when I cry. I hear footsteps walk up to my cell, and then a loud buzz I only hear when I'm getting a meal, and even then, they only open up a small hole in the glass and slide my food under. I look up and see the door to my cell I look to my right and see Tony standing there, his hand rising from the large red button on the control panel in the corner. He smiles at me, and I suddenly realize what this means. I'm free.
I slowly stand up, and walk to the door. I gently stick a bare foot out and take a step out, feeling the cold tile on my skin. I fully walk out of the cell, and see Tony standing close by. I run towards him and throw my arms around his neck, feeling tears well up in my eyes again. Only these are happy tears. I missed Tony so much, now I finally get to be with him again. I get to be with everyone again.

"I got you" I hear the billionaire whisper, "I got you..."

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