Chapter 4

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I hear the wind screaming in my ears as I fall. I get that feeling where my stomach feels like it's in my throat, and not, I'm-on-a-roller-coaster-kind of feeling. This is the feeling of half accepting that I'm gonna die, and it will hopefully be quick. Then I see it.
A flash of purple breaking through the cold snowy air. The face is covered by a mask that looks like an owl, a white owl to be specific. Emerald green eyes stand out of the white mask, it's easily visible in the snow and wind, surprisingly. The feminine looking hand reaches out to me, and I do the same. I suddenly hit a ridge, throwing my mask off to reveal my face. I quickly roll off the ridge, pain bursting through my body. The flying purple winged figure is still trying to reach me. I remember when I was in that medical lab, I wanted to die. To be free from all the pain, but now I want to live. I have a future, I have a purpose. Please save me! Please, I made a promise! I made a promise to Bucky!
The mystery hero suddenly loses control and swoops up, the hero's large wings sending me back and flipping in the air. I suddenly hit something hard. Pain explodes throw my body, the cold biting my exposed face. The wind howls as I hear a young, voice call my name, over and over again...


• • • •

I wake up slowly. My head throbbing, things are going in and out of focus, my eyes magnify and de-magnify like a kid messing with a telescope. Everything hurts, everything. Especially my right leg, my left shoulder, my ribs, and my head. Oh my head. I have a concussion, no doubt about that. A groan manages to escape my mouth. I'm still on the mountain, the wind still howling like crazy. I think the cold made me numb, yet I still feel so much pain.
What's different this time is the completely gold figure standing above me, looking down at me. It's still blurry, so I can't get a detailed description of this golden figure, but I can tell it's a woman. The golden dress and golden hair give it away. She looks at me like...she's interested. Not a bit of concern is on this woman's face.

"Help..." I manage to say. It comes out hoarse and shaky. I feel so weak, I'm in so much pain. I feel my eyelids slip close, and the rest of the world starts to fade away again.

Darkness greets me once again with open arms.

Can you guess who the golden lady is? I posted two chapters cause they're both really short. I might be doing that a few times. Let me know what you think of this, vote if you enjoyed it. And if you didn't enjoy and it made you feel like a ball of sadness and feels something chocolate?

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