Chapter 13

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       A large research lab sits in the California dessert wasteland, all is quiet, all is content. Not for long. A stranger stands near by, her attire looks like she ripped it straight out of a horror movie.
      Her mask covers the bottom half of her face. A large, toothy smile is painted on it, covering almost the entire mask. Her clothes are black. Black pants, black combat boots, and a black coat that reaches just past her waist. The only thing that is not black is a small, golden wing clipped to her ear lobe. It's to symbolize that she's the Sovereign's, and nobody else's.
      The stranger flexes her fingerless black gloved hands as she scans the place with her periwinkle blue eyes. She walks up to the front door, the security guards looking at each other with fear and confusion. One works up the courage and walks up to the masked stranger, his hand on his gun.

"Excuse me, do you have any ident–" the guard is cut off when she stabs her fingertips into his chest and electrocutes him to death. He doesn't even get the chance to scream before he falls to the ground, smoke coming up from his twitching body.

      The two other guards pull out their pistols, but don't even get the chance to shoot them before the stranger electrocutes them by connecting to their walkie-talkies and zapping them. She walks past them as if they are nothing, and simply walks inside the research lab.
      As this masked stranger stalks through the halls, sirens already go off. But she's not fazed in the slightest, in fact, she's intrigued. As hoards of guards run down the hall with guns, the periwinkle blue eyed stranger just stands in the large hallway. Not a single ounce of emotion shows on her face. The guards surround her as she rubs her hands together. They point their guns at her, and wait for the call to shoot.

"We have you surrounded!" one guard says, "put your hands in the air, or we will be forced to fire!"

        The stranger stops rubbing her hands, and turns to stare right at the guard. He is a small guy, his suits almost too big for him. He reminds her of an old friend from another life. She stares right into his eyes, and the guard starts to shake nervously. Then she slams her hands on the floor, sending a mini shock wave that powers down the whole building, including the guards guns.
   The hallway is in complete darkness, but the stranger doesn't mind. She feels around the walls gently, her hearing and touch as her guide. After walking down the hall, she stops. She takes a few steps back until she's in front of a door, and listens very closely. Behind the door are panicked scientists, having no idea what's going on and are currently hiding as many documents as possible. But the documents aren't what the stranger is looking for.
       She busts open the door with nothing but her fists and strength, and the entire room goes silent. You can feel the fear of the scientists as they freeze in place. She walks through them like a dove from hell, like an angel of darkness. Then, with a snap of her fingers, the lights in the room turn on. The scientists gasp as they see the horrific girl stand in the middle of the room. Staring. Watching. One tries to stab her with one of the sharp tools on the counter. Big mistake.
     The stranger grabs the scientist's arm, and bends it back to the point where she can snap it off. The scientist screams in agony, but is silenced when the masked girl grabs her chin and snaps her neck. The blood bath begins.
      All the stranger has is her fists and her electricity, but she creates a wave of blood and pain as she breaks and electrocutes all those innocent people. Some that dared to fight back were instantly turned to ash. They don't know who this girl is, but they do know that she's not going to stop until they're all dead.
     Finally, there is only one left. A man in his early forties, black hair, and dark skin. As the stranger walks towards the man, he scoots back in fear. His hand out in a pathetic attempt to protect himself. The girl crouches in front of him, staring straight into his chocolate brown eyes. And very calmly, sings to him.

"Are you going to the Scarbough fair? Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. Remember me as the one who lives there. She was once a true love of mine"

     Her voice is like silk, it reminds the scientist of doves and beauty like no other. As the stranger sings she stares right into the man's eyes, sending him in some kind of trance. She leans in very close, their nose almost touching.

"W–who are you?" Asks the man, both terrified and hypnotized.

"I want you to tell my story" says the stranger, her voice a small whisper that sends chills through his bones, "I want you to tell them what I'm capable of, what I'm willing to do. And when they ask what my name is, you tell them...your worst Nightmare" she snaps her fingers and the lights turn back off, and she disappears once they're on again.

      More guards run into the room. There are bodies everywhere, blood is everywhere. The guards look around with fear, guns out and ready to shoot. Then they suddenly hear the man laugh. He laughs like a maniac, and he doesn't stop. He laughs until tears come out, he laughs until his chest hurts. He laughs as bodies around him rot and decay.

The intro to Nightmare. You see this book is called "Nightmare"? I hope you listened to the song while you read it, because it really adds to the story.

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