Chapter 30

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        The first thing I feel is cold. Really cold. My mind already starts racing, fearing I might be frozen again. I feel my heartbeat speed up, thumping against my chest like it's going to jump out. I slowly open my eyes, and calm down quickly once I realize that I'm not frozen in ice. Where am I then? What happened? Why is it so cold?

"You're awake" I hear a voice announce. I move my head up and blink the blur away from my vision. At first, I see a fuzzy golden blob, but once my eyes start to focus, I see that it's actually two people. A golden women and a golden man to be exact. Am I dreaming?

"We were beginning to worry your friend punched you a little too hard" continues the gold women. This women is wearing a black combat clothes, and holding a strange, sword-like weapon to her side. The man is wearing the same except he has to small knifes for combat instead of one sword.

     I try to stand up, but somethings keeping me down. I look and see my hands are tied behind a steel chair, and my ankles are tied to the  legs. I look back at the two and try to wrap my head around the situation, but it only makes them laugh.

"You humans are quite the entertainment" she comments.

"Where the hell am I?" I demand more than ask.

"This doesn't look remotely familiar to you?" The man answers with a question, gesturing to the room with his hands.

     I give them a confused look, and start scanning the area. We're in a area? The floor is concrete, long cracks filled with snow and ice stretch across it. What's left of the ceiling is held up by pillars of concrete, also cracked. I turn my head to look behind me and see that the rest of this large, empty, and concrete room is gone. Nothing but narrow edges and mangled rebar to tell that it wasn't meant to be there. The gigantic hole–if you can even call it that–is where all the freezing cold air is coming from. It suddenly hits me like a tone of bricks.

"You took me to the weapons lab?" I ask in disbelief. The golden people laugh, very amused by my reaction. The edge of my lip tugs into a sneer as I stare at these golden freaks.

"'To the place where it all started', just like the High Priestess Ayesha said" the women explains. A gust of freezing cold wind suddenly goes through me and I start to shiver. All I have on is a T-shirt and sweats. Bare foot. In Alaska. Perfect.

"She better get here soon, otherwise you'll freeze to death up here" the man states, noticing me shiver, "You have about...judging by the clothes you're wearing, I'd say 25 minutes left. And that's even with your super soldier body heat" I pretend I didn't hear him, trying to figure out a way to escape incase there is a Winky will be here soon, with backup I hope.

"What a way to go" continues the gold women, "the great Captain America, freezes to death while tied to a chair wearing a shirt a little too tight" she paces slowly back and forth while swinging her sword around. The golden man leans on the cracked, concrete wall flipping one of his knives.

"Me and Deneri bet 30 units that when you're dead, you'll still look hot" I give her a strange look. Not that they bet I'll look hot when I'm dead, although that is still really weird, but the way she said it. "When" I'll die. She doesn't think I'll survive this, even if Winky comes she still think she can beat her and kill us both.

   The gold women and the golden man then talk about how supreme their race is. Like I don't hear that enough. I start fidgeting with the ropes used to tie me up. Strange how a being not of this world used rope, of all things, to restrain me. If I wasn't shaking so much right now I would probably break them and beat them up. Then hopefully find a place to warm up until–hold on!
     I feel a sharp corner on the steel chair, and an idea instantly sparks. I press the rope to the sharp corner and start to slowly cutaway at the fibres, probably scratching my hand wrists raw in the process.  After a minute of doing this, I suddenly hear something. The two golden aliens hear it too and jump into a fighting stance, their weapons held out I front of them in defence.

"What the hell was that?" Whisper shouts the golden man.

"Shh!" The other hisses in reply.

    The metal door leading in is closed, but the rust all over it shows that it can easily be kicked off its hinges. Footsteps start to make their way to the door, getting louder and louder. I continue to cutaway at the ropes while shaking like a leaf from the cold. Things start to get foggy and cloudy. I know what this means, I don't have a lot of time left.


    The rusty door flies off its old hinges, dust and ice clouding the entrance. A flash of black and silver escapes through the cloud and runs straight to the two and starts battling them. Another figure comes towards me while the two golden warriors are distracted. They first untie my legs, and then my hands.
    I can barely move at all its so cold, so when the figure helps me up, my legs buckle and I fall on my hands and knees onto the freezing cold ground. I hear the figure swear, I think. Things are getting even more fuzzy and distorted, I keep having to remind myself where I am. Wait! I know these people!

"C'mon Steve, let's get back to the jet" encourages the women while she tries to help me up.

"...P-P-Peggy?" I ask, my violently shaking body making me stutter my words. At least I know who's trying to rescue me. It's Bucky and Peggy...I missed

Uh ooooooooooh! Too bad only I know what'll happen next MWHAHAHAHA–*cough cough cough*

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