Chapter 40

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{One Month Later}

"Are you ready?" I asked, staring straight ahead. Although I asked her, I'm contemplating the answer myself. Although they aren't my family, this hasn't been easy to deal with. I've been around them enough years to care about them.

When Kaelynn didn't answer, I glanced at her. Two tears raced down her face as she held two bouquets of flowers close to her heart.

"I can't do this, Jay. Everyday has been difficult. Especially not knowing when I will see them again."

My eyebrow slightly raised at her last sentence. I feel like I know what she means though. It's been a tough pill to swallow, but she has been handling herself well. She had a setback, but we were able to work through it. She had to realize that she is a stronger person than she gives herself credit for.

Not wanting to wait too long, I got out the car first. I went around to Kaelynn's side and opened the door for her. Deeply exhaling, she took my extended hand.

"Ready?" I tried to force a hopeful smile onto my face, but I know it didn't really come out.

"As I'll ever be."

I expected her to let my hand go, but we walked hand in hand the whole way.

"Who do we visit first?" I questioned as we waited for the elevator.

She still hadn't given me an answer when we entered the elevator.

Life has changed so much within these past few months. Marsha and Mikayla got into a terrible accident. Marsha was on the phone with their dad when it happened. I'm guessing she told Mike where they were headed,  because he was almost able to catch up with them. He was close enough to see an eighteen wheeler swerve into their lane. Marsha must have panicked, so she also swerved, causing a car to smash into them. The impact was so intense that everyone at the scene assumed they instantly died. Despite all the cuts and blood, both of them managed to hold on to their lives though.

On the path of trying to abort Mikayla's baby, she really did lose the baby. She has been an emotional wreck since she woke up at the beginning of the week.

Surprisingly, Martha's baby survived.  Since Kiya was premature, though, baby girl hasn't been released from the hospital yet. The doctors really aren't sure if she will make it. Of course they tried to put it gently, but the news is devastating.

Marsha took the worst injuries from the accident. She swerved in a way to make her side catch most of the impact. After giving birth to her baby, they briefly loss her.  They almost couldn't revive her, but by some miracle they made it happen. She has yet to make much progress though. They have her in a medically induced coma. As sad as it is, Mikayla and Kaelynn may have to make a tough decision pertaining to her soon. Kaelynn hasn't even been to visit her mom in at least a week.

"You didn't hear a single thing I just said." Kaelynn frowned at me.

I glanced at her then looked around. We weren't too far from Mikayla's door.

"Sorry bae."

"You can call me bae and Kae, but not Faye?"

That's funny. She used to hate that nickname. She didn't like her middle name at all. Always tried to ignore it. Calling her by it so much made it grow on her though. She learned to embrace it.

"Okay Faye. What's up bae?"

I leaned against the wall and watched her blush as she held the flowers closer. She's so fucking cute. I love her so much, and I'm glad I was able to tell her how I felt. I asked her to be my girlfriend two weeks ago, and much to my surprise, she said yes! It was perfect. I figured she would say no, but she made me the happiest guy ever by proving me wrong.

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