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Katie's Pov

I was laying in this old cold hard bed naked as a jay bird, trying to get my hands free, so I could get the hell out of here. All I could was think of my sons. I need to live for them. I'm not ready to leave this world just yet. I want to see my boys do a lot of good in there lives. I want to be there when they find there wives, and when they get married. I want to see my grandchildren. I can't leave them. Not yet and I will not die right here not at the age of 26 years old. Martin has been in here 3 times already to rape me. God, I wish he would just die, but I guess the devil don't sleep for nothing. 

Each time Marin would come in here Lucy would hide or run out of the room screaming for her mother. How could Julie do this to her. Her own daughter. I'm hoping and praying that Brantley will get here soon to save me. He's been on my mind as well. I'm not ready to leave him yet. I still have a lot of things in this marriage that I would love to do with Brantley. Travel the world. Watch our children grow up. Just getting on the back of Brantley's bike and leaving for the weekend. Just the two of us. 

My whole body was sore from Martin raping me and beating my body up. I knew Marin was mean, I wouldn't never dream of this is how he really is. He has became a monster that needs to be stop. And sooner the better. I heard the bedroom door open up again. I looked and I saw Lucy standing there. I smiled at her. I see she has another bruise on her cute round face. 

"You otay Kate." Lucy asked me. She was standing next to me. 

"Yeah baby I'm fine. How are you?" I asked her. 

"Me head hurts." Lucy told me. How could Julie do this to her own daughter? Why have kids if you aren't going to take care of them the right way. 

"I'm sorry." I said to her. She held up a pocket knife. 

"Lucy, where did you get that?" I asked her. 

"Me found it. Me sorry." Lucy said to me. She looked so sad. 

"No honey it's okay. Can you open it for me." I asked her. 

"Me don't know how?" Lucy said to me. 

"That's fine. Put that side in my mouth." I told her. Lucy just looked at me. 

"It's fine honey. Just do it." I said to her. She did what I asked her to do. It's a little trick that Brantley showed me the one time he took my hunting. The best thing about that whole trip so the love making we did in the woods. I got the pocket knife opened. 

"Okay pick it up and rub this side of the knife on the rope for me." I told her. Lucy picked up the knife and did what I told her to do. Lucy and I heard Martin and Julie talking down staires. 

"It's going to be okay Lucy. I wouldn't let them hurt you no more. But you need to hurry." I told her. Lucy went faster and faster with the knife. I was saying a prayer when the rope landed on my face. I looked and Lucy did it. I took the knife away from her so I could get my other hand free. 

"Lucy get my clothes for me." I said to her. Now I have both of my hands free. I was working on my feet. 

"Otay Kate." Lucy said to me. 

"Lucy can you reach that lock up there." I asked her. She looked up at it. 

"Nope." She said to me. 

"I'll be down later baby. I'm going to play with Kate some more." I heard Martin telling Julie. 

"Okay baby. Have fun." That crazy bitch Julie said to Martin. 

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