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---Sorry for the late update guys, I haven't really been able to update on the weekend because I was busy and to relax I would read in Wattpad so I was active in reading not writing but I am here now to give you an update.---


"Mom, it's just for a few days, I just want to see if it is necessary and okay to join packs since neither of us wants to leave one for the other. I want the best for my pack, I need to do this." 

"I get it honey, just be safe okay?"

"Yes Mom." 

"Don't hesitate to kill him if he crosses certain set boundaries." I guess you can guess who whispered that in my ear. If you whispered 'My Father Dearest', then congrats you're right. 

"Yes Dad, although, all boundaries are open to him..." I love to pinch his nerves. I can see him practically glare at Scott with a certain blaze in his eyes like he's trying to melt him as he converses with my mother. 

"I don't feel so comfortable about letting my little girl go now." He hugs me tighter than before to a point where he cuts off my blood circulation and haze my vision. 

My Dad casts a look upon the others of pure misery etched in slightly wrinkled features  as they laughed. Brian and Kyle were hunched over holding their stomachs whilst my mom grinned and Scott just chuckled but he was silenced soon after when my Father growled at him. 

"I'm leaving you two in charge. Kyle I trust you more not just because of your rank but because Brian is an idiot." 

"Hey!" His grinning exterior ceased and it was replaced by a pout and puppy dog eyes, "I am not an idiot! I just joke too much about idiotic things." 

This boy. 

"Okay. Thank you Ness and don't worry, everything will be taken care off while you are off on your little honeymoon with him." 

I don't know what was worse, the fact that he said that or the fact that Scott and three pairs of eyes holding nasty glares against him. 

"It's only a temporary leave." I reckoned with great forces here, by the look on Kyle's face, I knew he was going to have some fire comeback. 

"Yeah and so is a honeymoon but please don't get STDs from his infected d-" 

"If you complete that statement I will personally claw your eyes out and shove them so far up your ass that they can actually watch you while I hire rogues to tear you limb from limb and possibly have you as a feast." Yes, I've been told I can be harsh sometimes. 

"I know I taste good but geesh man ,Ness. What's up with the sudden brutality?" I've always been this brutal.

"You chose to challenge my mate with your words and I refused to let that happen." 

"Okay so note to self, never mess around about Scott near Anessa." My silver eyes burned holes through Brian's apparent frightened exterior, "Or ever, yeah, ever sounds good, doesn't it Kyle?"

"Hey man dig your grave for one by yourself."

The tension in the air was lightened afterwards, the rest of the good byes were made with tear stained eyes and scratchy voices before it was time for my departure. 

Members of my pack stood outside the pack house with gleaming features and toothy smiles as they either shook my hand or gave me a 'good luck' hug until it was time to leave 

Stepping into the backseat of one of Scott's cars, I looked at my beloved members as we passed. Many stopped what they were doing and bowed their heads, others just waved good byes with such enthusiasm for they knew my true intentions for my departure and they would very much like to not be alone in this situation. 

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