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"Okay, so what letters do we have so far?" His hand roams his face in exasperation, this situation was getting a little too out of hand. 

"Well, from most recent, we have V and then there's A, E, I, A and D." Those are all the letters? Kyle's face was complexed, he was utterly confused. 

"Those are the only letters? Are you close to solving it Martha?" Only six letters? 

'No, that can't be right!' He thought. 

How are they supposed to solve this puzzle with only six letters? 

'This means that more letters are to come, was it five that Nelson said?'

How many are going to have to be injured before they solve this puzzle?

"Honestly? No. Every word that has come to each of our minds is not enough with the letters given, we need more letters. No word is complete with just those letters." 

'She's right, even if one word had all those letters in it but among others as well, many other words would clearly mimic it perfectly.'

This is just too difficult! Where is Anessa? Kyle needed her, you could see it in his pained expression, you could see it in everyone's pained expression. 

'I need her back, I can't do this without her.'

The whole pack wanted their Alpha back, they needed comfort, reassurance that everything was going to play out easily. They needed the reassurance that only an Alpha could give to their pack.

The frustration on Kyle's face says it all, he can't handle this chaos, if only he knew that Anessa felt the exact same way. 


Her body aches for water or food or any kind of substance that could fulfill her nutritional needs. 

Now's not the time to feel weak though, she needs to figure a way out of here. 

Anessa began to recount each way she could get out of any cell she was enclosed in but all of her attempts proved futile for this prison cell wasn't just built for any ordinary wolf, it was built specifically for Anessa and her cunning ways. 

Suddenly, the sound of multiple harsh footsteps were heard, interrupting Anessa from concocting new ways of escaping. 

Firstly, Scott entered the room; she knew now by his stench. Then, two familiar black figures appeared behind him and all three advanced towards her with haste and lack of caution. 

Anessa grew slightly anxious with every step they took, the proximity between them made her unknowingly frightened and her hands itched to be released from their silver chamber of doom so she could at least have a chance to fight for her freedom. 

The three, that being Scott, Daniel, and Darek, struggled to pacify her as she flailed both her legs in all directions to prevent them from touching her. 

With her last ounce of strength, she continued to rebel against them, even to a point where she could feel her hands slipping away from the silver chains and where the boys cursed beneath their breaths because she was rightfully fighting for her freedom. 

All tiredness was forgotten, she was fueled by the adrenaline machine and they feared that she wouldn't stop. 

'Finally.' She thought as her hands slipped fully from the silver and she was now hopefully ready to give the three a fair fight. 

Her claws craved  to get some blood on her skin, she missed those days dearly. 

One by one, they approached her and each attempt proved futile by making a hard collision with the nearby stony walls. 

Unfortunately, the chaos attracted more warriors, more than she knew what to do with. 

Her body twisted and turned as she fought and threw warriors towards the walls and even outside of the cell itself. 

Her body began to fall limp with each punch and kick that was delivered to a body that went flying across the room. 

'No, I will not give up, I refuse to.'

Piles of bodies decorated the walls with splats of blood as they each regained their strength only to be thrown against the wall once more. 

Suddenly, something cold pricked the skin near Anessa's neck making her collapse on the floor almost instantly. 

Each injured body silently cheered as their torment came to an end and their tormentor was now being effortlessly escorted to a place where they originally intended her to go to. 

Her body was placed on a metal table-no, a silver table with silver chains that they used to enclose her body, even to a point where they could practically hear the sizzling skin beneath. 

Her body jolted awake but she was too exhausted to fight no matter how hard she tried. Her mind electrified her nerves to throw punches and deliver kicks, however, her body had other plans. 

Anessa could only make out blurred figures, this intensified the terror in her eyes even more. 

They all hovered over her but they seemed to be of different colours. 

One was purple, another green, the one to the left red and the figure to the right yellow. 

They mumbled unknown words as they waved their hands over her body in some sort of ritual, a ritual that would give him ultimate leverage, one that could not be matched. 

'What's going on?' No answer for this question as all of her thoughts were erased from her mind and replaced with nothing but a deep dark abyss where she can only hear one voice commanding her to complete a task. 

Scott had gotten what he wanted; the best on his side and she was ready to fulfill his every whim. 

There's now way that he could possibly be defeated. Do they really have a chance to defeat such a villain? 

Without the best on their side, they are basically nothing so how could they win this war when the odds aren't exactly in their favour? 

What is her pack to do not that their Alpha is lost? 

Anyone can tell from the smiles on their faces that it would be impossible for anyone  to challenge them now

Her pack would be unable to compete against her, not even they could match the fighting strategies that she's formed in her head with every kick and punch. 

Before they even stepped foot on the Barbaric Shadows Territory, they realized that they already gained their well deserved success.

After this, she wasn't Anessa. She could no longer be Anessa. Now, she was under Scott's control; ruled by the devil's reincarnate. 


Wow. The next chapter is going to be exciting I swear.  I really would like to update the next chapter soon so the next update will be some time around this weekend. 

Look out for it please. 

Also, I would just like to thank you guys for reading my story and actually sticking with me to see how it turns out. 

Can  you guess what's going to happen next? 

What do you want to see happen? 

Please smash that vote button and destroy your keys whilst typing a comment. 

See you guys in the next chapter, <3 Bri. 

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