The police force entrance exam

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Hello My name is Daniel Coleman. The story I'm about to tell you isn't for everyone. Read if you dare. It all begun not to long ago, I just got out of Police  Academy . Me and my friend Jesse were hanging out at his house. "Hey Daniel now that we're out of college what do you plan to do?" He asked Me. "I'm thinking about being a private eye." "That's cool I'm thinking F.B.I." Said Jesse.  I I turn Jesse's desk top on. I look up police force. The first thing that popped up was: SIGN UP FOR POLICE FORCE TODAY! GO TO YOUR LOCAL POLICE STATION AND SIGN UP NOW! "Ok we could sign up tomorrow by going to the station." "Nice we can be there by noon tomorrow!" " Yeah. I got to go it's late." I said. It was Midnight and I don't like staying up passed ten. I got in my car, it was a piece of trash but it was my first car. When I got home I was a daze I was so tired I passed out in the doorway. I woke up to loud booming on my door. " Daniel we got to go to that police station!" I looked at the clock on my living room wall. It was eleven thirty. I flew onto my feet and ran to go change into clean clothes. I ran out the door as fast as I could. I locked the door really fast and flew into Jesse's car. He drove us to the station and we entered the building. "Good afternoon boys how May I help you?" "We're here to join the police force." I said. "GREAT!" He said cheerfully. He gave us a form for us to fill it out. "Just sign that. Tomorrow we'll have an exam for you. You do well on the exam you are in the force !" "Cool!" Jesse said. The paper just asked about age, gender, and high school diploma you know simple stuff like that. "Alright boys have a nice day and I'll see you tomorrow!" Said the officer. We left the building with a smile on our faces. "That wasn't to bad!" Said Jesse. We got in his car. He dropped me off at home. "See you tomorrow for that exam!" He shouted. "See you!" I shout. The next day I head to the station Jesse was already there. I go in and see Jesse sitting and waiting. "Alright it's time for your exam there are no wrong answers. You have an hour." Said the officer. There was a few other guys in the room taking the exam with us. It was about three twenty when I finished the exam. "Ok who's finished?" Asked the officer. Everyone raised their hands. The officer with out a word started collecting papers. "Well that was a breeze!" Said Jesse. "Yeah that wasn't to bad." I responded.

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