Kyle checking in.

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I was awoken the next morning by Jesse banging at my door. "WAKE UP DANIEL A HOTEL BLEW UP DOWN TOWN!" I rushed to my dresser and threw on some clothes and ran out the door. Me and Jesse got to what was left of the hotel. "Oh no." Said Daniel. "What?" Asked Jesse. "This was the hotel my aunt and uncle was staying at." "Oh... I'm so sorry Daniel." Daniel walked away from the scene. "Daniel?" Said Jesse. Just after I left Kyle pulled up in his black car. Kyle approched the hotel ruins. He looked at the site for a moment. "Ok for sure its the work of the reaper." Said Kyle to himself as he Enterd the bulding. Kyle was in there for five minutes when he found a dead body with a slit throat. Kyle examined the body. "His throat was cut with a pare of office scissors." Thought Kyle. Kyle looked to see if he could find a merder wepon but he didn't find anything. After a few minutes Jesse came in to help investigate. "Did you find anything Kyle?" Asked Jesse. "I found a dead body." Kyle responded. "Yeah." "His throat was cut with a pare of scissors." "Oh." Said Jesse as he rubed his hand over his neck. "Thats all for now. We got to go this place is about the collapse." Said Kyle. I met the others at the station. "Hey Daniel." Said Kyle. "Hey guys did you find anything?" "A dead body thats it." Said Kyle.

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