A new suspect

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The day after Kyle returned busyness got back on track. So far no calls about The Reaper just robberies and a cat stuck in a tree down town. Around twelve  o'clock P.M I got a call from someone at an apartment "The Reaper is in my house..." Said  the man. "ON OUR WAY!" I said urgintly. "What is it?" Asked Jesse. Reaper report at Willow Town apartments. "OH!" Shouted Kyle and Jesse simultaneously. I called all units to the apartments and we rushed as fast as we could. By the time we got there some of the apartments were on fire. "Oh great we're late." Said Jesse. Then I saw Mike the old sheriff walking out of the complex. He saw us and ran. "GET HIM!" Shouted Kyle. We ran after Mike but we couldn't catch him. "Son of a..." Said Kyle trying not to swear. " "Crap," Said Jesse. "We'll get him eventually." I said "Yeah eventually." Said Kyle. "Sorry guys." I said. "It's not your fault." Said Jesse.

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