The Man Behind the darkness (Ending)

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I headed to my old school. I got out of the bus and ran to the main doors. The doors were unlocked. I rushed in. "HELLO?!" I shouted. "Welcome Daniel." Said The Reaper. "Come out and face me!" I yelled. "Not yet. Go to the gym." The Reaper insisted. I ran to the gym. I saw Kyle strapped to a chair under a light. His mouth was stiched shut. "OH my god." I said. "You want to know why I did this?" Asked the Reaper. "Yeah I do. But first WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I shouted. "I'll get to that in a minute. But first let me ask you who are you?" The Reaper asked. "I'm Daniel Coleman. You know who I am." "No. Your a kid who is scared of himself. That's why I'm here. To tell you to grow up." "Very funny. Now who are you?"" "Fine. If you must know." A hooded man stepped out into the light next to Kyle. The man slowly removed his hood. I couldn't believe my eyes... it was Jesse. "What?" I said in shock. "It's me Daniel." "You murdered my family!" I yelled. "I'm not sorry for what I did. At least you didn't watch your family die like I did. Even worse my family died ON CHRISTMAS DAY!" "Jesse... you've killed hundreds of people." "After my family was killed. I was bullied. I was called names... AND PEOPLE EVEN SAID I KILLED MY FAMILY AS A JOKE! I don't give a damn on how you feel Daniel. I never have. I always thought you were garbage." "What about Catherine." "Oh her. I never even liked her. I hated her the way I hated you. And Kyle." Jesse said as he pulled a gun and shot Kyle in the head. Jesse began to laugh. "You really believed that we were friends! You are SO PATHETIC AND WEAK!" Jesse yelled. I grabbed his gun and pointed it at Jesse. "OH YOU ARE SUCH A LITTLE GIRL! Did I hurt your feelings? OH BOO HOO! GROW UP DANIEL." Jesse looked at the wall and lifted his arm and shot me in the arm. I grabbed my arm. Jesse ran over to me and kicked me in the stomach. He kept kicking me over and over again. When he stopped I got up on my feet and spit out a tooth. Jesse ran at me and kicked me in the head. He pinned me on the ground and pointed his gun at my head. "Looks like my work here is done!" Jesse said. Then Jesse put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger. Jesse dropped dead. I laid there for a moment then I stood up on my feet. I called Catherine and told her the news. I could tell by her voice that she was destroyed. Her boyfriend killed her family and didn't even like her. The next week was Kyle's funeral. I attended as did Catherine.

It's been three years since Jesse's death. Me and Catherine eventually married with one child on the way. I'm pretty happy with my life. I'm living in a pace called Bend Oregon. I'm also a member of the U.S Military! So this was my story. My name is Daniel Coleman signing out.

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