A Bad Christmas

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Monday December 25\ 2026. I was sitting at my house waiting for Jesse and John to get here. After a few hours I called John. No answer. I call Jesse. "Hello?" Jesse said. "Hey where are you guys?" "Um, I'm trying to find John." "Oh ok." I responded. Jesse told me where he was. I set out to find John or Jesse. After about ten minutes I found Jesse. "Have you found John yet?!" I said. "Not yet." He responded. We decide to split up. I shout John's name a few times. I must have circled the apartment complex three times. I checked the pool that was by the office next to the apartment entrance, Nothing. After about an hour I got a text from John. 'Fifteen minutes.' The message said. I got worried because I remembered what Fifteen minutes meant. I looked and looked for John. I called Jesse. Fortunately Jesse answered his phone. "Hello, Did you find him?" He asked. "Nope but we have fifteen minutes to do so." I said trying to stay calm. "Ok." He responded just before he hung up. I looked around. Finally I found John laying on the floor. "No!" I said. I ran over he was bleeding badly through the stomach. When I found John I called Jesse. "Jesse I found John call an ambulance NOW!" I said. "On it." He said. "The... killer... I saw who it was." Said John. "Who?" I asked. But by the time I asked John was dead. The killer came through an alley. "Hey Daniel." He said. "You... YOU KILLED HIM!" "I'm a killer that's what I do." He laughed. I stood up and tried to punch him. He grabbed my wrist and broke it with his other arm and knocked me to the ground. "I don't have time for this." He said annoyed. He kicked me in the head knocking me out. When I woke up I was strapped to a chair in a strange building. "You're awake." Said a relieved voice next to me. It was Kyle. "Where's Jesse?" I asked him. "The killer is out looking for him." he said.   

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