The fight In The Dark.

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Everyday I drive past the grave yard I can't help but look at the memorial. Every time I see that Memorial I get the guilty feeling like I was the one that killed them. When I got to the station Jesse was standing by the door. "What's up Jesse?" "Hi Daniel. Nothing going on here I just need some air." He said. "I understand." Jesse always loved the rain to be honest I did to. We just stood outside in the rain letting the drops run down our faces. "Now is a great time to start crying." Said Jesse. I laughed. Jesse started to act like he was crying. I had to go inside before I died of laughed. "A lot would say Jesse wouldn't hurt a fly and now I see why they say that!" I thought to myself. I watched the weather on the lobby Tv. It said it was gonna rain for the next month that's the most rain I have ever seen in California. According to the reporters that was a record of rain in California. Some how I don't believe that. The Jesse came up behind me." BOO!" He yells. He had no intent in scaring me but it did. He was on the ground laughing "I CAN'T BELIEVE I ACTUALLY SCARED YOU!" He laughs. "Shut up Jesse! When are you gonna grow up?" I said. "I don't wanna grow up!"He responded. The sheriff came into the lobby. "BOYS! I need you in my office please." We went into the Sheriff's office. "Ok I heard you Daniel have something on the killer?" Said The sheriff. "Yes the Reaper is an officer. A detective or F.B.I agent." I responded "good." "Um If I may he also has a clean personal record so finding him may be a little difficult." Said Jesse. "Good point." The Sheriff said. " Who ever this Reaper is he is a genius he kept a clean record witch means this is his first time killing!" I said. The Sheriff put his hand on his head. "Genius indeed." He said angrily. Other than that it was a normal day until that night. It was an extra dark night. Me and a large group of officers including the the Sheriff stayed up for night duty. Jesse was with John a new guy who replaced one of the dead officers. All of a sudden I heard a scream. I ran over to see what was the matter and I found an officer dead. "REAPER!" I shout on the speaker. I back up against a wall it was all foggy and I couldn't see a thing. Then I saw a dark figure run across right in front of me. I grab my gun. Then I see a ball of fire heading towards me. I ran on the other side of the wall. Then I feel this intense heat rush by my cheek. My palms started to sweat. " Oh my God I'm gonna die." I run and start shooting into the fog. Then I got tackled by the Reaper. We start fighting. He's trying to kill me and I'm trying to stop him. "He's strong as he'll!" I thought to myself. Then I got a hold of a rock then I hit him in the head with it. I get up and wipe the blood off my lip. He got up and punched in the stomach then kneed me in the face. I graded his robe and he knocks me out. But I noticed he was wearing a uniform under the robe. It was a pair of black pants and shoes. Typical Police or F.B.I uniform. I got up and ran to find Jesse. It took me a while but I finely found Jesse and John. "Oh dear what happened to you?" Asked Jesse. "Reaper troubles." I told him.

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