The Code

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I woke up In a dimly lit room. In front of me a microchip on a wooden table. "What's this?" I asked myself. "Before you take this I want you to awncer a few questions." Said a voice from the darkness. I knew immediately who it was. " let's begin." Said the Reaper. "Who do you think I am Daniel?" He asked. "I don't know." I said. "Still? After two years. Ok next question why do you think I do what I do?" "Revenge." I responded. "Hmm. Interesting. Now final question... Who are you?" "What do you mean?" "You'll find out in time. Now take the chip and leave." The Reaper spoke quietly. I quickly grab the chip. I felt the ropes fall loose. I got up and started looking for a door. After a minute I finally found a door. The door led out into a street. "Is he trying to tell me who he is?" I asked myself looking at the chip. I got back to the station with a bus. "KYLE!" I shouted. "What?" Kyle asked. "I got this data chip at the Reaper's hide out." I responded. "Cool I'll check it out." Said Kyle. "Where's Jesse?" I asked. "ON a date with that Catherine girl." Kyle said. "Aww how cute." I said. Kyle just laughed. After twenty minutes Jesse and Catherine got back. "Hey love birds. Said Kyle. "You know it." Said Jesse. "When dud you guys hook up?" I asked. "Last night." Said Jesse as he winked. I gagged a little. Jesse laughed. I could tell Jesse and Catherine where drunk. "Dude it's like one in the afternoon and you're a cop idiot." I say. "Ah hush." Said Catherine and Jesse knoded his head. "Jesse go home you're drunk." Said Kyle. "Alright Catherine you come with me." Said Jesse. Catherine and Jesse left for his house. "Well someone's getting laid tonight!" Laughed Kyle. "Yeah I guess so." I said. "Any thing on that chip Kyle." "No not yet. I won't be able to get anything until next week." "Why so long?" I asked. "Well I got to recover all of the data. Witch takes about a week." Kyle said. "Ok then." I say scratching my head.

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