The depression

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The next morning it was still raining. Then I got a text from my Mom saying "HELP US!" I ran to my car and rushed to my parents house. Luckily the lived ten minutes from me. Luckily is what I thought anyway. I ran in and found my parents on the ground. "Hello Daniel!" Said The Reaper. "You killed my parents!" I said about ready to cry. The Reaper laughed and set the house on fire. I run out and got in my car. I must have been sitting in my car for ten minutes watching the house burn. I just sat there letting my tears run down the sides of my cheeks. I felt this horrible pain of gilt in my stomach. "This guy is gonna die I swear it." I said. Before I went home I called Jesse. "Hello?" Said Jesse. "Hey Jesse I got bad news... my parents are dead. "That's terrible news how did they die?" "Reaper." I said sadly. " That's horrible." He responded. I went home and broke down onto my knees crying as hard as I could. I didn't even try to fight it I just let the years come. Every second I breathe the pain gets worst. "I gotta end this once and for all." I get a rope and tried to hang myself. "No I can't I won't." I said as I stop myself. I get of the stool and take a deep breath. "I can do this I'm better than this just breath." I said to myself. I went into the master bedroom and pass out on the floor.

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