The great lost

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It was a Saturday morning and I was out a meeting in town square. The meeting was about the Reaper himself. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN LISTEN UP! WE HAVE ONE OF THE GREATEST KILLER IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ON OUR HANDS! NOT TO WORRY WE HAVE MEN ON THE CASE AS WE SPEAK!" Said the mayor. After he said that, he was flooded with questions. "ONE AT A TIME!" Said the mayor. "YES YOUR CONFUSING THE OLD MAN!" Said The Reaper as he came out on stage. "What is he doing here? He couldn't have gotten in here unless he was with an officer." I thought to myself. I knew no civilians could get in. "How did he git in? Maybe he's a cop or something." I thought to myself. The Reaper grabbed a lighter and set the stage on fire and ran off and the police ran after him. I'm sorry to say it but none of the of officers made it out alive. I looked around for Jesse and saw him carrying children out of the building. I did the same and saved some of the elders to. "JESSE!" I shouted. "WHAT!" He responded. "The Reaper... he's a cop!" I tell him. "No way. How did you figure that out?" He responds. "He couldn't get in unless he was an officer. "Witch one?" "I wouldn't know." Then a man ran past me. " WATCH IT IDIOT!" He shouted. "Well we got are first suspect." Said Jesse.

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