The Grim Reaper case #2

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I head down to the station and see a few cop cars pull out and the sirens go off. Then the sheriff runs to my car. So you wanna be a private eye. Well follow those officers. If you successfully solve the case you will be officially a private eye. He gave me a badge and told me to catch up. I had to speed a little to catch up with the officers. When I got to the house the fire was put out. "Hey you must be Daniel Johnson." Said a man. "That's right." "My name is Kyle Thompson. I'm your partner in this case." "Sounds cool to me. How did you know I was coming?" "The sheriff told me everything. I'm surprised he let you in this case with out going into the traffic monitor job." "Me too. Maybe he wants everyone he can get. The more people the better." I say. He nods his head. "Come on let's look at the scene." Said Kyle. He checked everywhere he could. "I can't find anything it's all destroyed by the fire. Who ever did this knew what he was doing." Said Kyle "Yeah I agree." I say. "I'll tell you this we ain't gonna catch him anytime soon." Kyle said calmly. That day at my apartment I got a text that said "FIFTEEN MINUTES!" "What?" I ask myself. It was an unknown number. After ten minutes I heard a crash from the kitchen window. I go to investigate the kitchen. I turn on the light. Then from behind me I hear a whipping sound. The next thing I know I'm on the ground with extreme pain in my back. "HELLO DANIEL!" Said the mysterious man. "Who are you?" "It doesn't matter who I am." He said with a low strange voice. He got a lighter and set a piece of paper on fire. Then he through it at the couch. After just seconds my hole apartment was on fire. I forced myself onto my feet. And struggled to find away out. I climbed through my window and ran towards my car. I speed towards the Police station. I ran into the front room. "THE REAPER HE BURNED MY APARTMENT DOWN!" That's when I realized that it was an apartment and there were other people in there. I rushed back and saw the hole apartment complex was on fire. I ran in to help. I got out as many people as I possibly could before I passed out from the smoke. The last thing I heard before I fell unconscious was the sirens of fire trucks. I woke up on the emergency room and saw Jesse sitting on the chair next to me. "Hey buddy how are you?" Asked Jesse. I wasn't alright obviously but he was just being nice.

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