My New Station

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This case was Taking me in circles at this point I have two hundred suspects! "How the hell am I gonna find this guy if there's two hundred suspects?!" I said to myself. Just then I got a call. It was Kyle. "Hey Daniel I got great news!" "What?" "You just got put to the head of this case along side with Jesse!" Said Kyle. "Cool." I said. After I hung up Kyle sent me a map to the new station. I drove over to the brand new station. It was beautiful with four floors. I stepped in side the station. " Welcome boss." Said an officer. "Thanks." Kyle came up to me. "Welcome to your new station that's right YOUR new station. They've been working on this building for two years. The man who payed for the building gave the building to you!" Said Kyle. " That's interesting who payed for this?" " No one knows." Said Kyle. "Odd. How can someone spend that much money and no one know about it?" " That's the question we have no goddamn idea." Responded Kyle. I scratched my head. " Why do you trust this place then?" I asked. "What choice do we have we need to find this killer. Also the place has been checked It's safe." "Okay." I said. " Here let me show you to your office." Said Kyle as he lead me to my new office. I stepped into my office and locked my door then sat at my new desk. I got a new laptop file cabinet. "Sweet." I said to myself. Then I went to unlock my door so if someone needed me they could just let themselves in. After ten minutes a man came in. " Are you... Daniel?" He asked in a disgusted voice. " Yes that's me." I said kindly. " Yeah yeah what ever. I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to tell you to drop the case NOW!" He said. " Why?" " WHY?! BECAUSE IT'S POINTLESS YOU CAN'T CATCH...Um...HIM!" He snapped. Then he ran out of my office and left the station.    

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