The clue

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The day after the explosion I went to sight, Jesse said he'd be there. I got out of my new blue car. "Hey Kyle Is Jesse here?" I ask. "Not yet." He responds as he stood up. I look at the destruction. "Jesus Christ it's a mess!" I said. "Yeah you were here when this happened so you shouldn't be surprised." I nod my head laughing. Kyle brakes a small giggle. Then a car pulls up. Jesse climbs out. He was wearing a black trench coat with a badge. "Looking sharp Jesse." I say jokingly. "Yeah. Did you find anything?" Said Jesse. "I did." Said Kyle. Kyle hands Jesse a peace of paper. What interested me was the paper was clean no rips nothing. The paper said "Do you think I'll stop there? Well you'd better strap in we're only getting started!" "Reaper." Said Kyle. Jesse nodded in agreement. " can we identify the handwriting?" I ask. "We can't it was typed." Said Jesse. "Oh." Kyle gets a little impatient. "Ok. This is ridiculous and annoying. I just want to get this guy of the streets." Kyle said angrily. Jesse puts his hand over his face. I could tell we were all super annoyed myself included. "Well let's get digging for more clues." Said Jesse as he began to search the sight. Kyle, Jesse, and I split up to search for clues. After about ten minutes Kyle found gun powder and blood on a concrete mass. I walked over to Kyle. "Well one things for sure this sure as he'll ain't from the bomb. BUT it is from a gun... duh." Said Kyle. He sweeps some powder up and takes a small sample of the blood. "Ok we have what we need." Said Kyle. "JESSE RAP IT UP!" Shouts Kyle. "Ok" He responds then he heads to his car." "Well at least we, excuse me, YOU found something." I say. Kyle laughed.

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