The chase

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       The next morning I was hanging out with Jesse at his house. We were playing a Three Brothers game I don't remember witch one. That's not important. What's important is what happens  later on. 

     We got an anonymous message on the phone a couple hours later. It said to meet at the station. I must say we hesitated a bit much. We assumed it was the Reaper, but we didn't know for sure.

      Half an hour later Jesse, Kyle an I arrived at the station. All the lights were off and doors were locked so we debated how to get in. We walk to the back of the bulding and the back door was open with the chain broken.

We entered the station slowly, We saw a dark figure. I knew immediate who it was. Kyle and I pulled out our guns.

"Don't move!" yelled Kyle.

     We slowly moved forward unsure exactly what we where up against. "I just said don't move." Said Kyle. I analyzed the room and saw an open window. "There's the excape route." I thought to myself. "Don't move. You're under a rest." I said. I pulled off the mask. It was a dummy. "What?" I said. Then the door closed behind us. Then a gas filled the room and we passed out.

I woke up in a dark room. "Hello?" I called out. No responce. "Jesse? Kyle?" Nothing. "Hello Daniel welcome to the escape room!" Said a voice. "Reaper." "How did you know? Did my voice give it away? Damn." "What do you want." "I want you dead. But I'm giving you a chance to escape to see the light of day again." "Well thanks for that." I say. "Ha! Don't thank me just yet. I'm out to get you I suggest you run quietly." I got up from the chair I was sitting on.

I could see a little bit but not to much so I could move around. I opened the iron door. On the other side of the door there was a maze. "Crap not a maze!" I said to myself quietly. First I went right. Dead end, at the dead end I saw a bear trap. "Traps?" "Oh I forgot to mention the traps! Be careful." Said the Reaper over some kind of intercom. "Where's Jesse and Kyle?!" I shouted. "Oh they're fine... and keep yelling it helps me alot!"

I begain to sneek to the best of my abilities. Then I saw a shadow rush in front of me. "Oh no... please don't come over here." Then I heard creepy wisteling coming from behind me. "No." I said with a knot in my stomach. I speeded towards the end of the hall and took a left. I ran and ran when I tried and an alarm went off. "TRIP WIRE!!!" I yelled. I got up and booked it. I could tell that the Reaper was right behind me. I ran out the first door I found. "I made it. Outside!" I said releaved.


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