Kyle's rage

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The next day me, John, Kyle, and Jesse were sitting at the station. Waiting for the day shift officers to get there.  The first day shift officer got there five minutes early. He came in went to his office and got strait to work. Kyle came out of his office frustrated. "I hate how he types everything! He is way to smart!" He shouted. "Yeah he's like the Einstein of crime." I said. "Other than Al Capone." Said John. Kyle and I agreed. "Yeah The Reaper is smarter than most of us." Said Jesse. " most of us? ALL OF US!" Said Kyle. "Yeah." Responded Jesse. Every time someone mentions The Reaper I keep thinking how much smarter he is then me. "Every now and then I keep thinking that maybe we get close to solving the case. We find all of these clues until we know or at least we think we know the answer, then it turns out to be a Damn red herring!" Said Kyle. Jesse nods his head in agreement. "And what truly pisses me off is that the red herring knocks us WAY off track!" " He's way to good." I say. Kyle sits down next to me. I have never seen his face that red before. Kyle begins to take deep breaths. "Why is he so God damn good?!" He said.  

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