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I woke up with a horrid fear of the killer. I was afraid of him finding me. I couldn't help pasting back and fourth. It wasn't an if it was a when he was coming. I had this sick feeling in my stomach and a horrible headache. "Why ME? Why should anyone have to deal with this?" I said to myself. I had to call Jesse but the pain and the dizziness wouldn't let me reach the phone. Slowly I started to black out. "Wow." I said awkwardly. Just before I fell onto my knees. I couldn't see anything but darkness and I started to get worried. I fell over and laid on the floor coughing. I finally I passed out. I woke up to loud bang. "DANIEL OPEN THE DOOR!" It was Jesse. I got on my feet and walked over and opened the door. "Oh Lord were have you been? You've been gone for almost a week!" "Has It been that long?" I asked. "Yeah I came down on Monday and you weren't here I also came Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday..." "Ok ok. I'm sorry!" I tell him. "I can't believe I was out that long." I thought to myself. "It's fine." He said. I told him that I was "ok" even though I clearly wasn't. The anxiety was so strong It was all that was left of me. There was so much fear in me I couldn't count the number, I know that I was out numbered a million to one. "Well Daniel I'll check in on you." To be honest I don't see how some people sleep any more knowing that the Reaper was out there. I know after all of this I'm not gonna sleep again for awhile.

The Man Of DarknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora