Chapter 5

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This is going to be a long chapter. SO GET YOUR POPCORN READY AND ENJOY!!

Preston's POV
"DUDE!! WHAT.THE.ABSOLUTE.FUDGE?!?!" I said while blushing so hard!! I CANT BELIEVE MITCH ASKED THAT! Sure He IS a great impersonating people but STILL.

Mitch laughed as hard as he can. "D-d-dude, I-I'm sorry," His face turned red. Guess he didnt breath while laughing as hard as donkey in shrek.

Shit, I cant believe I got his Skype username tho, Mitch kinda did a favour for me. KINDA. I was still mad, I was going to do it myself.

Am I developing feelings for him?
No, I'm straight
But Lachlan made it So hard to be straight
So, I guess I'm Pansexual

(Pansexual means u like them through their personality and u dont care about their gender)

Mitch's POV
I laughed as hard as I can. Im a talented youtuber. Hehehe, Preston's face was blushing as hard as he can. Glad he took his mind off that bitch, Paige. And sadly, Rob..

"You're lucky Im in your house, if not I already rip u to pieces," Preston said while giving me a death glare. He is cute but sometimes can be a bit scary. It sends chills upon my spine.

"Sorry Dude, BUT HEY, U got that chick's Skype Username. So You're welcome for that," I stand proud of my statement but Preston looked down and looked..embarrassed??

"H-he is a boy, Mitch.." Preston said while blushing again. He looked down as if he thinks I will be disgusted. I think he has forgotten that I'm dating Jerome.

"Well, THATS EVEN BETTER!!" I pulled him in a tight hug embracing his crush with a BOY. Guess he is either BI,Gay or Pansexual. Either way, I'm proud of him.

Preston's POV
For a minute I was embarrassed that I like a boy but then I remember, Mitch was dating Jerome. So there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

"DUDE IM SO PROUD OF YOU, IM TEARING UP OF JOY," He said, I thought he was kidding but that didnt last long when I saw an ACTUALLY tear strolling down his cheek.

"Hey..Thanks..Dad" I said jokingly trying to light up the mood. Mitch giggled like a totally idiot.

Guess Jerome heard us talking about a boy crush, cuz he stormed in my room, hugging me with a bear hug

"AWW MY LIL BACA HAS A BOY CRUSH!!" He hugged me so tight, I almost cant breath. Thank Goodness, he let go, I was feeling like I'm going to die..

"So when are u going to Skype him?" Mitch asked with a cheeky little grin.


I told u it was going to be a long chapter


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