Chapter 14

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Preston's POV
We arrived at my house. I was parking the car when I saw Lachlan snoozing on the passenger seat. I got to admit, he looks cute when he sleeps, OH WHO AM I KIDDING? He looks cute everytime awake or asleep.

I didnt want to wake him up so I decided to carry him in. Bridal style. I unbuckle his seatbelt and carried him. He was quite light actually for a tall guy. But I'm still taller so HA.

I carried him into his room and put him down gently on the bed. It was 13.00 so I decided to make breakfast. I went downstairs to the kitchen and decided to make some spaghetti. While I was heating up the water, I heard a door opening. It was Lachlan, with his messy bed hair.

"Good Afternoon, Sleeping Beauty," I said with a smirk on my face. He was still half asleep but he knew what I said. His face immediately started to become red. He was blushing..

"G-good afternoon," Lachlan stuttered. He went downstairs to the table and waited for his lunch. I bet you, he was hungry. Cuz the airplane food are shit.

"Whats for lunch?" He asked me. His face lighten up. He looks like he was starving. He feel bad for him.Thats why he was so light. He didnt eat the airplane food.

"Spaghetti, sorry it isnt much," I said while looking down, disappointed at myself. How could I just cook normal spaghetti for a starving man? But surprisingly, Lachlan's face was plastered with a huge grin.

"Spaghetti are my favourite!" He said. My face looking up at him. I started to feel good about myself. I smiled and prepared the cooked spaghetti on the plates. I put two plates of spaghetti on the table, one for me and one for him.

"Thanks," Lachlan said as he dig in the spaghetti. It looks like he enjoyed it. My cooking skills arent as good as Mitch but they are well average.. but I'm glad someone enjoys my cooking.

"So, VidCon is tomorrow, What u gonna do there?" I asked him. I was invited to do a panel with Mitch,Jerome and another guy but I didnt know who. He finished his spaghetti and look up to me.

"I was invited by VidCon to do a panel meet and greet," He said while smiling. His smile can cure diseases. But Wow, he was invited to do a panel too! Mabye he is the mystery person.

"Me too!" I practically screamed. Its like electricity shot through my body. My heart was beating so fast. Lachlan laughed to see my childish side. I just blushed.

We ended up talking about what we will do in VidCon. We laughed at our stupid activities. Lachlan has some weird activity in mind but I said that was too weird. I mean, Would you spend the whole day stalking your  favourite YouTuber?

"I was planning to stalk you," He said while blushing. I went speechless. I blushed dark crimson red. I was his favourite youtuber? A man so perfect's favourite YouTuber was a normal guy.

I decided to break the silence by asking him to play minecraft. He nodded so we went to our own rooms and got on our computers. We decided to start from scratch. I keep on killing him, I could hear him scream from the other room. All I could do was laugh.

We played till like mabye 9 o'clock at night. We managed to build an automatic iron farm. And we had almost full diamond gear. We decided to end it there and we went to bed.

Tomorrow is VidCon!



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