I. Youth

475 22 2


I met you and I felt like I need to protect you..


Waking up is no easy for a freshmen year college . " I am not excited for school!!! " I screamed from the top of my lungs. But since the god of the sun wants me to go to school, he shined even brighter. I have no choice but to drag myself up, take a shower,  eat breakfast, put on school clothes,  and head off.

(At school)

I saw myself approaching the school I'm going to. While as was waking, I saw classrooms doors with list of names on it. I look for mine and found out,  I'm in section 1: A. I got hyped up and entered the class.

" Are we all complete?! " The teacher yelled. The students replied yes.  We got to introduce ourselves in front of the class and all that first day of school stuff.

My eyes suddenly widen when I saw this handsome fellow. "Anneyeong!  My name is Park Jimin. 19 years old and currently the salutatorian of batch 1013." I listen to his young raspy voice. He's a smarty pants aye? 

(bell rings)

"okay class,  you may have your lunch break. Come back by 2:00 pm!" the teacher announced as if no one was listening to him. Good thing I'm in the front row,  I could here him.

I can see Jimin packing his things. I guess he's going to the library. All of a sudden a group of boys from my class blocked his way as I was watching them. "Yah! Where are you heading shorter?!" The guy pushed him so hard that made him fall with his books. I feel sorry for him. "Stand up!  Stand up!  Why can't you huh?!  Just because it's the first day,  doesn't mean we can't fool you around?!" the guy took one of his book and threw it near me. I wasn't hit. I had to something. I ran as fast as I can before he grabs Jimin's collar. I blocked it and he managed to get mine not his. "YAH OUT ME DOWN! WHAT THE FUCK ARE DOING TO HIM!  HE'S NOT EVEN DOING ANYTHING" the guy gently put me down. "Now get out!!! stay out!!! If you that again I'll kill your group!" I screamed as they leave the room.

"Thank you... " Jimin said as I bend down to help him pick his stuff up. "it's alright. I had to so something before he punches you" Jimin replied, " I owe you something now. May I have your name? " "Minha.  I'm Kim Minha. Just call me Minha." I said with a huge smile on my face. "can we be friends from now on? " He asked me with a red tint on his cheeks. I said yes and then,

Here starts our friendship.

We stood up and head to the library. It was so huge full of books obviously, but this library has a comfy nook. I ran to it and sat with him. He looks a bit shy. "Are you alright Jimin?" I asked without hesitation. "Jimin-ssi,  don't be shy around me ok?  I'm your friend now. I'll protect you and I'll not let anyone bully you like that again. Arraseo? " He smiled back at me.

(2 hours after our study session)

"Hey Minha,  would you like to go out today? " he asked with a cute smile on his face. I assured him with a yes nod and went to our class.

As usual, even first day of classes are fucking boring to me. Rule here rules there but I sometimes don't listen to it or follow it because it is so lame.

I checked out the clock and it's 3:00 pm. "okay class that's all for today. Please do read your Culinary Arts book at page 36-48. Oh before you leave,  our classes will only be Monday, Thursday and Friday. Enjoy your day!  Class dismissed. " Our professor left the class with a smile.

I stood up and took all my stuff.

Jimin,  was no where to be seen. I was worried. My new friend might be in trouble again.

I searched for him. Few minutes later of searching,  I found him standing against the wall with the guy from a while ago.

I didn't go and run. I-I stayed behind the walls and listened.

" Jimin" Pushing his shoulder against the wall. "What a lucky guy aren't you?! "

I saw Jimin's eyes full of fear. I whispered," Do something Jimin! "

The guy noticed my echoed voice. "Who's there!? Show yourself! Ahhh wait, are you Minhee?!  Yah! Museowohaji mala! Daddy's here kitten" I didn't respond. I was scared.

I peeked from the wall and saw Jimin pushing the guy away. " Yah!  Don't do that! Never call her a kitten!! " In shock I saw Jimin punched the guy right in the face.

I stepped out and went to Jimin.

He's not hurt.

"YOU! " the guy stood up and attempts to punch Jimin. Instead I was the one punched.

Falling on the cold hard ground,  my mouth started bleeding.

The guy and his group ran away and left us.

"Gwaechanha?" Bending down to look at my bruise on my mouth. I nodded and forced myself to smile.

"Arraseo, let's just go home. " I said as I stand up holding my bruise.

(walking home)

" Minha, ride on my back. " bends down to give me access to ride on his back. "What?!  I'm fine don't worry" He went silent. Suddenly,  he, himself carried me to his back. "hold on"

Not knowing what to say instead I said, ~Thank you Jimin~

He smiled.

I closed my eyes and fell a sleep on his back.

It was a rough and weird day. Starting off by dragging myself to school, defending Jimin twice, being called a kitten,  and being carried by a good friend.

What a strange day it must be to him as well. I hope our friendship continues 'till the end of times~

(Author's note)

I hope you guys loved it.
Though it was a short start,  I hope I didn't leave you that hanging.

Until next time!
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