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Anyone can find the dirt in someone. Be the one who finds the gold.


Dr. Hoseok: you are such a filthy rag!!!

Namjoon: I can't believe you never learn from your lesson.

Cook: you would never be better for Minha!!

Jin: Even though you are my brother, our parents never taught us to be evil. I don't know where you got that.


"i don't think you should forgive him babe"

"why not? "

"do you see what I'm wearing? Do you see what I'm wearing? "

She asked Jimin softly yet weakly too.

Jimin look at her behind his back and she was silent crying.

She must have gone through so much to keep me safe. She must have been hurt too much her little body can handle.

He looked down and uttered.

"I forgive you"


"I am Hyung... "

Namjoon: this is going nuts. You are going nuts. You just forgave the guy who touched your girlfriend! If I were you WI would have killed him!

"Don't do something bad to others if you don't want that to happen to you"

Taehyung suddenly spoke from his drone.


Dr. Hoseok: whatever, what happened, happened. If he forgives him then so be it. But Jungkook put this in mind. We won't be your friends and we'll send you back to jail!

Jungkook: I deserve all the punishment anyway...

Jimin let Namjoon carry Minha for a moment and went to Jungkook. He crouched down in front of him and held his shoulders

"should we fix this together? "

Jungkook: what do you mean?

"what I mean is, do you want to be friends with me and others? "

Jungkook: I don't know if they'll like me.

"sure they will, they have soft hearts. But I'm not sure with Minha. She a tough one."

Jungkook cried and hugged Jimin. They guys were staring at them with a smile.

But Minha, Minha was still angry. She stood up from Namjoon's carry.

Suddenly she fell. She scratched her knee. Jimin heard the fell and broke the hug. He rushed to Minha.

She felt embarrassed. She wanted to shout at Jungkook but fell.

Minha cried from the embarrassment.

Jimin carried her and kissed her forehead to the car.

Jin hugged Jungkook.

He was his brother and is his brother. Her forgave him from the very start.

Jungkook hugged him back.

The others hugged the Maknae tightly yet happily.

Jungkook smiled while crying

Jungkook: I wasn't expecting that you'll welcome me...

Jin: you've always been my brother and our friend. But before adding this drama, let's go to the hospital to get that knife wound from your leg stitched.

They all laughed and walked in the car.


"I missed you"

"I missed you too babe"

"I've been the worst boyfriend ever. I came late to save you. I didn't do my best to find you. I didn't exert effort to make more posters before. I didn't start a plan, Yoongi hyung did. I wasn't there for you when you were hurt. I wasn't there to make you feel I love you. I wasn't there to make sure you weren't hurt, I was just this bad boyfriend. I didn't even make you fell like I was your best friend too. "

Without Jimin knowing, Minha fell asleep.

He just laughed it out and kissed her lips. Those beautiful lustful lips. She was a heavy sleeper so she won't feel any of this.

He loves the way she sleeps. A little snore and a double chin. It was cute in his eyes. He then hugged her and that woke her up.

"oh my god I'm so sorry I feel asleep from— what were you saying?"

"hahhahahah forget about it babe. Go to sleep, well go to the hospital"

"I love you so much okay? "

"I love you too but why do you feel like saying that huh? "

His nose rubbed her nose.

Out of nowhere, she removed a hand cover her shot from the gun.

Jimin was shocked and asked

"what when did this happen?! "

"the time I fell, I was shot, I  also didn't know it was a silent shot gun thing. I fell and scratched my knee. "

Without any word, Jimin started the engine and drove as fast as he could.

Minha looked him with a smile. She knew her life might come to an end. But it was going to be a good ending because the last person she saw was Jimin...

"don't give up on me Minha "

"promise... "

"hold on we'll be there"



Double update friendzzzzzzz!


Question of the day,
What time is it in your country.

As I'm writing this, it's currently 6:24 am in the Philippines!!!! 😊😊😊

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