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You won't succeed if you don't even try


Minha got all pumped up in excited knowing that she'll be able to walk again.

Jimin slowly placed her on her wheel chair and cooked breakfast.

"You'll be with Taehyung to day babe"

"Oh yeah I forgot. "

"Be good okay? If does anything to you, here"

He handed Minha a tiny remote with a button.

"If you press the button, my phone will get a notification that you're in trouble and locate you so that I can call the police in time"

"Wow! You've been so technology-y all this time why didn't you tell me?! "

"A magician never reveals his secrets"


Taehyung arrived and took Minha to the hospital.

While Jimin went off to the restau.

Dr. Hoseok smiled after seeing Minha but questioned himself why isn't Jimin the one looking after her.

Nevertheless, they started the treatment.

Slowly but surely,  they helped Minha stand up.

She finally did it but she was groaning quietly. It was a painful task to complete yet if she does it well today, then she'll succeed tomorrow. Faster even.


The visit to the doctor went wonderful today.

Taehyung: You finally stood up!

"Oh yeah!!!! Tomorrow I'll walk then run then walk faster then ru—"

Taehyung stopped all of a sudden. He notices a familiar girl whilst they were walking to the restau.

"Are you looking at that girl? "
Minha said while pointing out

Taehyung: Yeah it is her. Stay away from her okay?

"Pft! I will definitely stay away from her. She pushed me off of my wheelchair while waiting for Jimin outside the store."

Taehyung: Iiissshhhhh who would even wait outside the store Minha?!

You both chuckled.

Not too long, they finally reached the luncheonette.

Just by the ring of the bell hanging on the entrance way, people turned their heads and stood up.

"Hey help me stand up too Taehyung."

Taehyung helped her stand.

The people were in awe that she could finally stand.

One customer came to Jimin and called him urgently.

"What's going on? Sir please tell me"

Cutomer: Just follow me sir.

Jimin was surprised. He wasn't expecting that she'll be able to stand quickly. He went near her and held her shoulders.

"Babe you did great! "

Taehyung: yup she did.

Everybody started to cheer on them as they hug.


It's the second day of her treatment.

She sat up by herself and stood.

She tried to take a step but fell.

It woke Jimin up. He was worried for her.

"I'm sorry I woke you up"

"No it's okay. Are you alright?"

"yeah, thanks"

Jimin carried her to her wheel chair downstairs and made breakfast.

All went in by the same routine. He cooks, then they eat. He takes Minha to the shower to help her out. Hands her to Taehyung and finally goes to the luncheonette.

Taehyung: Do you know Jin Hyung?

"yeah I still do remember him why you ask?

Taehyung: he made this

He handed Minha a huge box of cake. Filled with everything she liked. Chocolate coating, chocolate sticks, chocolate bars and pink decor.

She told Taehyung to keep it inside their fridge and headed on to Dr. Hoseok.

Jungkook's POV:

I'm out from the jail. Without their knowledge, I'll first look for a place to hide from them and capture Minha.

I won't  let Jimin keep her for the rest of his life. She's mine from the beginning! I won't let this happen!!

I'll make sure to plan this perfectly. So perfect that Jimin wouldn't even realize Minha was gone that day.

I won't give him clues for now.

Let's see how long she'll live in my hands.


Hey guys!  Sorry for not posting for two weeks. I actually forgot about this hehehe.

Thank you thank you thank you so much for reading it!!
Stay tuned to the next chapter!

Still don't know when I'll post it, but it'll be soon.

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