XXXIX: Her return

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If you live for other people's acceptance, you will die from their rejection.


"Vanessa?! "

Vanessa: oh hey.

Minha covered her head expecting a slow or a hit from her, but that didn't happen. Vanessa took her hand off and hugged her.

After months of not seeing each other after that incident where she was rude to Minha when she was still on a wheel chair.

"what's this for? "

Vanessa: a sorry hug.

"it's months. We're quits on that ok? "

Vanessa: sorry for being rude to you when I first met you. Even though technically this is our second meeting, I felt like, you didn't deserve my reaction.

"why did you hit me anyways? "

Vanessa broke the hug and told her.

Vanessa: It wasn't a hit actually. I saw a spider crawling on you and so I decided to remove it. But I slapped the spider not away from you but on you. Then I thought you might get mad so I acted mad too.

"oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. But how did you know Jimin? "

Vanessa: he was my step brother....

Flash back

Jimin's mom decided to file a divorce to his dad because of physical abuse and he wouldn't sustain their daily needs. All he does is drink and gamble. Jimin saw his dad's actions growing up and he wasn't happy. So he agreed with what his mom's decision is.

Few years later, his mom met someone and instantly fell in love with. The man was also divorced to his wife because she had another affair with a different guy.

Our parents got together and got married.

That is when I first saw Jimin.

"but why did you say 'stay away from my Jimin' before?"

Vanessa: that's because I know he's weak for love.

"well... That's a bit rude"

Vanessa: *sigh* he hasn't have anyone yet except you.

We grew up together until elementary. We had a happy family, but my dad's ex-wife came to our house and asked for another chance. I didn't agree with her. Even though she was my mother, I wouldn't look at her the same way anymore.

Jimin and his mom were there. She walked out and grabbed their things. His mom kissed me and bid a sweet goodbye I never heard from my mom.

But Jimin, Jimin was so mad at me. He said 'I hate you're loudly. My dad was shocked and saw them with their things. His mom covered Jimin's eyes and mine.

At that time I could hear her crying.

"why is she crying? "

Vanessa: my dad and his ex-wife were making out.

Jimin pushed me away and pulled his mom. He was still young so he couldn't move her. She picked me up and fixed my hair before they left.

It was my dad's fault why Jimin was scared to fall in love.

" that's just sad. I didn't know any of that. "

Vanessa: maybe today is the right time for you to know that. I'm happy that both of you fell for each other.

"me too"

Vanessa: thank you for being a good lover.

"we should hang out sometime"

Vanessa: Jimin wouldn't be happy if he knew about this.

"I got you"

They bid goodbye and went shopping.

Minha finally finished her groceries and went to Jimin who was sleeping on a bench with Juno on his lap.

She patted his back and gesture home.

"babe what take you so long? "

"long line"

Juno looked at them and barked up.

They both looked up and saw the clouds raining snow.

"it's snowing all of a sudden"

" we get hom-"

Jimin kissed Minha in the middle of the walking lane. The dog was circling them and his leash was wrapping their legs tight.

Jimin cupped her face and smiled in between. She did too. She closed her eyes as she felt the shiver on her spine when Jimin's tongue entered.

He broke the kiss and uttered

"no one ever made me feel like I was wanted until you came"

"you are always my strength in my weakness"



This is my shiteu!!!!!!!

Minha be slayin all those bishes!!!

Jimin, mah mannnnnn be proud of you girl!

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