XLVIII: Reveal

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Sometimes, surprises are more than you expect


"it's Jungkook. What brings you here? "

Jungkook: I just want to give this to you.

Jungkook handed Jimin baby bottles and pulverized milk.

Jungkook: By the way congrats to your baby. I'm sure I'll be a great uncle to that bun in her oven.

They both laughed when Yoongi popped up out of nowhere.

Yoongi: C'mon Minha let's go for your check up

"why not bring me instead? "

Yoongi: sheesh. You're not pregnant.

"oooooooohhhhh!  Burn!!! Okay"

She stood up changing her attitude from roasting Jimin to cute ass baby girl.

When they arrived at the hospital, the ultrasound video showed the two kids cuddling each other.

Doctor: your twins are both boys. What a good combination! You're the only woman in the family.

Yoongi immediately excused himself to talk to the others hole Minha talks with the doctor.

*rings ring*

Yoongi: guys?

Namjoon : you I can hear you

Jin: same
Taehyung: I can see flying birds from the distance :

Yoongi: where Hoseok.

Dr. Hoseok: I'm here. What's the plan?

Yoongi: Minha and I will buy blue balloons and a blue cake. While you guys distract Jimin while he's with Jungkook.

Jin: all of us will distract him?

Yoongi: since you said that you help us decorate their house. Gonna go bye!!

*end call*

Yoongi pulled Minha out of the hospital and told her the plan. She jumped for joy while holding her heavy tummy.

They bought the balloons and other party things. and head straight to their house. Blue party triangles were placed on the wall. The cake is placed on the center of the table. The balloons and placed inside a pink box. Lastly, Minha dressed oink off shoulder  short dress while the others dressed the same.

As soon as they heard the knock, Jimin's eyes was covered with a pink hanky.

"hold on what's going on?! "

Jimin was in panic slash knows who is covering his eyes mode.

All of them while Minha walk behind the table with a pink box.

Taehyung removed the hanky from his eyes and Jimin uttered

"it's not my birthday. What's all of this for?"

The innocence of a soon to become father made everyone smile.

Yoongi: you'll get to know what's the gender of your baby. I mean babies.

His eyes grew larger in excitement. He couldn't stop himself from touching the box.  Minha came near him and pulled the lid.

Blue balloons flew up. It was common sense that if the balloons are blue, it's a boy.

"my twins are boys?? "

"apparently yeah! "


imin went up to Minha, lifted her and kissed her. He caressed her huge belly and kissed it.

"you guys are going to be mini versions of me"

Minha crouched down and looked at Jimin eye to eye.

He felt butterflies in his tummy as if it was their first meeting. Their sweetness overfilled the place that it made Yoongi break their staring contest.

Yoongi pulled Jimin away from Minha. The others laughed.

"Hyung jeeeeezzzzzz"

Yoongi: hey I'll be an uncle soon. I don't want my nephews to be statues.


The day ended colourfully.

She was lying down in bed holding her tummy. Jimin could see already those tiny kicks in her tummy.

He sat near her and hugged her, falling asleep.

"you'll be a great mom"


Prendzzzzz it Yoongi's birthday later!!!! My bias is turning freaking 25!! And I'm only 15... How I wish I could grow up faster. But whatever! It's #GeniusYoongiDay!!! Celebrate!!!

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