XXVI: Victim3

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It's better to sacrifice for others than yourself.


Week 4:

They took the cook.

They took her mom.

She knew they were with them.

She knew she has to leave.

The day became more intense when she reached the assigned place she has to go.

Jimin was still working. No one knew where Minha went, yet he wasn't worried. He trusted her.

She rang the doorbell and Man1 opened it up for her.

"don't touch me! "

They didn't follow. They held her arms tight and tied her hands. She wiggled trying to escape from their tight grip.

It was dark. She heard screams covered with cloth.

Jungkook: over here!

He Waved.

She tried to step back but she can't as Jungkook walk closer.

Jungkook: your mom's waiting for you.

"let them go!!! "

Her scream made her friends and mom scream louder.

Jungkook: only if you come with me.

She nodded as the lights went on. She saw her friends and her mom bruised. She went up to them. Even though her hands were tied, she cried and knelt down to each one of them.

Her mom was crying so hard too.

"okay fine. I'll go with you. Just let them go first. "

They freed their hands and they came running to Jungkook aiming for a punch but he was covered with The Pernicious.

They got pushed.

Jungkook: bring them outside!! Oh and if you tell anything else to Jimin or the authorities, you'll see her dead body in my hands.

"just go!!!!!! Stay safe!!! "

She cried so hard that the room filled it.

She was placed on a dark room with a huge glass window.

They tied her eat food with chain. Long enough that it wouldn't reach the window.

Her scream can't be heard. Her tears van be seen. But her pain can't be felt.

All she thought was...

"At least I save Namjoon"


"Dr. Hoseok"

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