XIII. Secret locale

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Hiding it might hurt you, but at least I kept your innocence


Minha's POV:

Weeks passed and Jimin was like hiding something from me.

Dawn turned to sunset.

Something is not right. We've been best friend since forever but why has he changed all of a sudden.

He went home by himself without even saying goodbye to me. It makes me sad...

So, I decided to go to my house.

A silhouette that was unfamiliar was standing on my door. It was a he.

I walked towards him in fear. Readying my pen on hand to stab him if he hurts me.

He looked back all of a sudden. It made me jump and step backwards.

"oh hi. Good evening. I've come to give you back this key. "

It is the key to my house.

"who told you to fix it for me sir? " I asked politely.

"it's the guy living there"

He points at Jimin's house. I bid thanks to the man as he walk pass by me.

In silence I stood in front of my door. Remembering, why is Jimin rude abruptly.

I checked my phone again before entering in.

Heavy rainfall by 7:12.

It's 6:45 pm already. I thought what if I stayed outside and make myself wet, then he'll come and apologize.

Time ran quickly. It was already 7:11.


Exactly, the rain started to drop. I sat there patiently for Jimin to come.

After all the waiting, I see no Jimin.

I was feeling insane! I stood in the middle of the road and showered myself even more with the rain. Tears went with it. At least no one notices it.

Nothing else matters to me except for Jiminie.

I still waited for him to come but there was no sign. No text. Even a missed call.

I looked back and saw a speedy car heading towards me. I did nothing. I closed my eyes and hoped it was all a dream.

Suddenly, I felt muscular arms around me. Arms that made me safe when it's around.

I opened them and saw it was Jimin.

"Minha, what the heck are you doing out here. Your fever is going to get worse. "

Oh great. Now I remembered that I had fever.

I looked at him with anger.

"Why have you become rude throughout the week?!!?!"

He lifted me up and carried me to my house. I was soaking wet and shivering-again.

Not an answer was heard from him.

I got even mad. I pushed myself away, and stood up weakly.

I'm really dumb am I?


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